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Macro - Protection and shared workbook

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Macro - Protection and shared workbook


    I've seen other threads discussing how to unprotect and then protect a worksheet in a macro - and how this can't be done in a shared workbook.

    I need to be able to date stamp the spreadsheet - and the only way I know how to do this is to enable track changes on the workbook. This then shares the workbook. My macro unprotects the worksheet, modifies it then protects it again. The worksheet protection is a necessity. Is it true that there is no way to protect/unprotect a worksheet when the workbook is shared?

    Either I solve the above problem, or I find a different way of date stamping the spreadsheet - any ideas anyone?

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Hi Gopher, this may will guide you ( i found this in another part of the Forum!!)

    From Excel help

    Write, record, change, view, or assign macros You can run existing
    macros that don't access unavailable features. You can record shared
    workbook operations into a macro stored in another nonshared workbook

    Search on the topic limitations Shared - there are many limitations and it
    would be worthwhile to review them.

    The actual title of the article in help (xl2002) is

    Features that are unavailable in shared workbooks

    Tom Ogilvy

    Jose Luis Alatorre

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