Below is a portion of some code I have.
It works fine up to the point that I have noted. When I step through this,
it works fine. Just before the step that I flagged below, I can use the
intermediate window to determine the value of u, cells(u+1,"aa"), and item:
?cells(u+1, "aa").value
The value in cell AA2 is 1.
Columns("aa:ad").NumberFormat = 0
On Error Resume Next
For Each cell In causecats
cats.Add cell.Value, Key:=cell.Text
On Error GoTo 0
r = 0
For Each item In cats
Debug.Print item
r = r + 1
Cells(r + 1, "aa") = item
Cells(r + 1, "ab").Formula = "=sumproduct((" & causecats.Address & "=""" & _
Cells(r + 1, "aa") & """)*(" & causebase.Address & "))"
On Error Resume Next
For Each cell In causecats
revcats.Add cell.Value, Key:=cell.Text
On Error GoTo 0
r = 0
j = 0
For Each item In revcats
Debug.Print item
r = r + 1
gFound = False
u = 0
For u = 1 To (causecats.Count + revcats.Count) * 2
'the result of the following line is false. I do not know why.
If item = Cells(u + 1, "aa") Then
Cells(u + 1, "ad").Formula = "=sumproduct((" & causecats.Address & "="""
& _
Cells(u + 1, "aa") & """)*(" & causerev.Address & "))"
gFound = True
Exit For
End If
Do I have some syntax problem? formatting problem? If item=1, cell AA2 =1,
and u=1, I do not understand why result of If item = Cells(u + 1, "aa") is
TIA for any ideas.