Take a look at http://www.xldynamic.com/source/xld.Dropdowns.html



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"GreenMonster" <jwinder@petitindustries.com> wrote in message
> I have two cells, we'll call them A1, and B1. Both cells are set up to be
> drop down lists that all users to pick a pre-determined value of the cell.
> I did this by putting the pre determined value in cells hidden from the

> and then highlighting the cell, choosing "Data" then choosing "Validation"
> and then pointing to the hidden data cell range.
> One of the values/choises in the drop down of cell A1 is "None". If the
> user chooses "None" then there is no need for the user to pick from the

> down list in cell B2. Cell B2 should automatically populate with "None"

> well.
> Since cell B1 is set up as a data valadition, it won't allow me to put an
> =if function for the "None" value of cell A1.
> Any ideas?