On 10 Mar 2005 07:09:07 -0800, jashburn13@charter.net wrote:
>I'm trying to figure out the following. A1 contains first of month and
>is formated as Mmmm yyyy, A6 is =A1 and A7=A6+1 and so on formated as
>mm/dd/yyyy. I want to programatically fill column A with the rest of
>the days of the month when the user changes A1. I'm using Private Sub
>Worksheet_change(ByVal Target As Range) to clear the old days and then
>copy A7 down for the remainder of month. Can't figure out how to make
>it stop at the end of the month. Thanks in advance for any help.
A2: =IF(A1="","",IF(MONTH(A1)=MONTH(A1+1),A1+1,""))
and copy/drag down to A31