Thank you, I sent an email to the address you posted with
my address. I appreciate the help.
>-----Original Message-----
> I recently created a questionnaire using a
multi-page userform to
>enter the responses. Each response is a button (but
could be a
>checkbox/option button) to avoid typing in data. The
code "converts" the
>button response into a value which is stored in a
>It will also create a results page and generate pie
charts for selected
>The userform is dynamically created from data held in a
worksheet and hence
>is fairly generic.
>If this could be of use, I could e-mail to you.
>"Tim" wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> I am trying to create a questionnaire that will
>> about 50 questions with multiple choice responses. I
>> would like to do this through an userform. Can
>> send me to a site or maybe help me get started. I
>> my hang-up here is how to do this simply.
>> Thanks