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Locked sheet

  1. #1
    Darin Kramer

    Locked sheet

    Anyone know why a locked sheet would not allow the following VB to run -
    I get an error at the Selection.clear contents point (although the sheet
    is locked only formulae are locked, and they are not near these cells"
    Point of the formulae to is to delte (formats and contents of 24c5 to

    Sheets("Review Plan").Select
    Application.Goto Reference:="R24C5:R28C6"
    Application.CutCopyMode = False



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  2. #2

    Re: Locked sheet


    ClearFormats or Clear will set the locked property for a cell
    to the 'default' from the style 'Normal' .

    In most cases Normal style will have Locked set to TRUE.
    .... thus your cells are locked again.

    To avoid problems with automating protected sheets,
    use the UserInterfaceOnly option of the Protect Method.

    Be sure to read the remarks section in VBA help. You'll need to
    Unprotect/Reprotect your worksheets on file open as that option is not

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    Darin Kramer wrote :

    > Anyone know why a locked sheet would not allow the following VB to
    > run - I get an error at the Selection.clear contents point (although
    > the sheet is locked only formulae are locked, and they are not near
    > these cells" Point of the formulae to is to delte (formats and
    > contents of 24c5 to 28c6
    > Sheets("Review Plan").Select
    > Application.Goto Reference:="R24C5:R28C6"
    > Application.CutCopyMode = False
    > Selection.ClearContents
    > Selection.ClearFormats
    > Thanks
    > D
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  3. #3
    Darin Kramer

    Re: Locked sheet

    Thanks for the help... just one question...

    Is the UserInterfaceONly option an add in...? where can I find it..?



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  4. #4
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Locked sheet

    Look in Excel VBA help under the Protect method. It is one of the

    Tom Ogilvy

    "Darin Kramer" <darin_kramer@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    > Thanks for the help... just one question...
    > Is the UserInterfaceONly option an add in...? where can I find it..?
    > Thanks
    > D
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    > Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

  5. #5
    Darin Kramer

    Re: Locked sheet

    I know its been a while... but when trying this I am unable to get it to

    Just inserted a basic protection function (see below)

    Im still having the same problem ie cells that were not locked, become
    locked when I run a macro Say range a10:c50.

    I thought inserting the UserInteraceONly option would resolve this?


    Sub ProtectSheet()

    ActiveSheet.Protect , UserInterfaceOnly:=True,

    End Sub

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