"Arturo" wrote:
> The flowing code works as it should for the first sheet in the array passed
> to the second procedure “ClearDestination�. When it jumps back up to the
> first procedure “ArrayLoop�, sheetVar(i) holds the next sheet in the array
> correctly but when it moves back to “ClearDestination�, (sheetVar(i) & "UL")
> still holds Sheet1UL. For the life of me I cannot figure out why it dose not
> change to Sheet2UL.
It's occasions like these that convince you to go into the preferences and
require "Option Explicit" in all your modules. In the Visual Basic Editor,
Tools -> Options... -> Editor tab -> Require Variable Declaration
That will also protect you from typos in variable names.
The problem you're having has to do with what's in the variable i when you
get to the ClearDestination sub.
You might want to re-do the ClearDestination sub so that it requires an
argument or two. That would be better than throwing everything into the
global namespace.