The below script will open and save all Excel files in the "startdir", but now I am trying to move all of those modified files to the "enddir". I can not use "vaFileName" to move the files because it contains the whole path and file name. The whole point is to move all the modified files into a new directory (enddir) - I don't want a copy left in the "startdir". Any sugestions??
Option Explicit
Sub FindClientExcelFiles()
Dim FS As Office.FileSearch
Dim vaFileName As Variant
Dim startdir
Dim enddir
Dim Foo As Object
Dim iCount As Long
startdir = "C:\Temp\1"
enddir = "C:\Temp\2"
Set FS = Application.FileSearch
With FS
'Clear old search criteria
'Directory to search
.LookIn = startdir
'Include sub folders in search
.SearchSubFolders = True
'Look for Excel files
.FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks
'Doesn't matter when last modified
.LastModified = msoLastModifiedAnyTime
iCount = .Execute
'List the files in the FoundFiles collection
For Each vaFileName In .FoundFiles
Set Foo = Workbooks.Open(vaFileName)
'Foo.MoveFile startdir, enddir
Next vaFileName
End With
End Sub