How do I get the information from the userform inserted as a row within the named range "Data", which "refers to =Sheet1!$A$1:$E$10" . For example, the named range "Data" will now be "refers to =Sheet1!$A$1: $E$11 " ? Could I just change the code you've given me?
The code I'm using is:
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A65536").End(xlUp)(2, 1).Value = TextBox1.Value
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A65536").End(xlUp)(1, 2).Value = TextBox2.Value
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A65536").End(xlUp)(1, 3).Value = TextBox3.Value
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("a1", Range("E10").End(xlUp)).CurrentRegion.Name = "Data"