I am trying to use the concatenate function in a cell that will ultimately be
part of a legend in an automated chart.
It is driving me crazy because I do this manually time and again without
issue but vba is not very congenial.
One problem I am having with the code is that the bb is showing up as a
number instead of the date format (this works manually).
Second, as I assemble the string, it seems to quit working as I add the part
that addresses endbase2.
With Range("x1")
.Value = begbase
.NumberFormat = "m/d/yy"
.Name = "bb"
End With
With Range("z1")
.Value = reviewbeg - 1
.NumberFormat = "M/D/YY"
.Name = "endbase2"
End With
Range("aa1").FormulaR1C1 = "=concatenate(""Baseline: "",bb,"" through
"",endbase2,""(Total "",basetypetotal,""events; Yearly avg
Any thoughts would be much appreciated.