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Run piece of code for each line of data

  1. #1
    Diane Alsing

    Run piece of code for each line of data

    I have a spreadsheet that will have a varying number of rows of data. I need
    to write a macro that will (for each row of data) run my code until there are
    no more rows of data.

    Also, my data rows do not start at the top of the sheet, the rows start at
    row 5 so I guess I will need some type of offset or something like that.

    While there's rows of data

    - my code here -

    End when there's no more data

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    John Keith

    RE: Run piece of code for each line of data

    This suggestion isnt using "code" but just some native-excel functions...

    You might be able to use the =countif() function to generate a cell
    reference array that exactly fits your data as it changes.

    If your data is populated from A5 through F105 for example... you would need
    a cell reference stating "$A$5:$F$105". Use Countif(A:A,"> ") to return 100
    (assuming that no headings are in row 1-4 but a simple offset can adjust for
    them) Then make cell AA1 ="$A$5:$F$"&Countif(A:A,"> ")+5
    Then reference this cell using "INDIRECT(AA1)" in any formulas that need a
    dynamically changing cell-reference for your array of data.

    NOTE: the "> " is 2 characters, a greater than and a space, which will count
    the entries that are greater than a space.

    Hope this helps (i'm still learning the "code" part too)

    "Diane Alsing" wrote:

    > I have a spreadsheet that will have a varying number of rows of data. I need
    > to write a macro that will (for each row of data) run my code until there are
    > no more rows of data.
    > Also, my data rows do not start at the top of the sheet, the rows start at
    > row 5 so I guess I will need some type of offset or something like that.
    > While there's rows of data
    > - my code here -
    > End when there's no more data
    > Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  3. #3
    Jim Thomlinson

    RE: Run piece of code for each line of data

    Assuming the data is continuious starting in cell A5 through A?. Here is some
    fairly easy code to understand. It is not necessarily the most efficient not
    the most fool proof, but it will work and should get you started.


    do while activecell.value <> ""
    msgbox activecell.value

    Give this a try and let me know if you wnat some more help...


    "Diane Alsing" wrote:

    > I have a spreadsheet that will have a varying number of rows of data. I need
    > to write a macro that will (for each row of data) run my code until there are
    > no more rows of data.
    > Also, my data rows do not start at the top of the sheet, the rows start at
    > row 5 so I guess I will need some type of offset or something like that.
    > While there's rows of data
    > - my code here -
    > End when there's no more data
    > Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  4. #4
    Jim Thomlinson

    RE: Run piece of code for each line of data

    sorry in my code I forgot to add a line after the messagebox




    "Diane Alsing" wrote:

    > I have a spreadsheet that will have a varying number of rows of data. I need
    > to write a macro that will (for each row of data) run my code until there are
    > no more rows of data.
    > Also, my data rows do not start at the top of the sheet, the rows start at
    > row 5 so I guess I will need some type of offset or something like that.
    > While there's rows of data
    > - my code here -
    > End when there's no more data
    > Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  5. #5
    39N 95W

    Re: Run piece of code for each line of data

    Try using CurrentRegion

    Dim MyRng as Range
    Dim cell as Range
    Dim i as Integer

    ' This sets MyRng to the entire region or area of cells that contain data
    and "touch" cell A5
    Set MyRng = Range("A5").CurrentRegion

    For Each cell In MyRng.Columns(1).Cells
    For i = 0 to MyRng.Columns.Count
    MsgBox ActiveCell.OffSet(0, i - 1).Value
    Next i
    Next cell

    This will cycle through all cells in your range, where MyRng represents the
    entire range of rows and columns. The outer loop just cycles through the
    first cell in each row, and the inner loop cycles through all cells in the
    row. The loop

    For Each cell In MyRng.Cells
    MsgBox cell.Value
    Next cell

    will cycle through all cells in the entire range also, but distinguishing
    between rows is more difficult. The example I listed has a flaw in that if
    one of the rows has no data in it whatsoever, then the CurrentRegion method
    will fail.

    There are lots of ways to loop through a range. Think about setting a range
    variable to the entire range of data, and look at the Row.Count,
    Column.Count and Offset properties and methods also.



    "Diane Alsing" <DianeAlsing@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    >I have a spreadsheet that will have a varying number of rows of data. I
    > to write a macro that will (for each row of data) run my code until there
    > are
    > no more rows of data.
    > Also, my data rows do not start at the top of the sheet, the rows start at
    > row 5 so I guess I will need some type of offset or something like that.
    > While there's rows of data
    > - my code here -
    > End when there's no more data
    > Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  6. #6
    Diane Alsing

    RE: Run piece of code for each line of data

    I ended up combining all these options (thanks for the help!) I used the
    counta function to find out how many rows I had, then used the
    activesheet.Cells in a for next loop -

    "Jim Thomlinson" wrote:

    > Assuming the data is continuious starting in cell A5 through A?. Here is some
    > fairly easy code to understand. It is not necessarily the most efficient not
    > the most fool proof, but it will work and should get you started.
    > sheets("Sheet1").Range("A5").Select
    > do while activecell.value <> ""
    > msgbox activecell.value
    > loop
    > Give this a try and let me know if you wnat some more help...
    > HTH
    > "Diane Alsing" wrote:
    > > I have a spreadsheet that will have a varying number of rows of data. I need
    > > to write a macro that will (for each row of data) run my code until there are
    > > no more rows of data.
    > >
    > > Also, my data rows do not start at the top of the sheet, the rows start at
    > > row 5 so I guess I will need some type of offset or something like that.
    > >
    > > While there's rows of data
    > >
    > > - my code here -
    > >
    > > End when there's no more data
    > >
    > > Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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