Originally Posted by
Walt Weber
I'll assume you can place all these files in the same
directory and a master file there too to receive all the
data. The following code placed in a module of the
master file with your addition of Copy and Copy To range
definitions should help get you there. Check the help
system for the Dir function to see how this will step
through all .xls files in the directory (There's a sample
there somewhat similar to the following).
Your "files that are setup the same(col & rows)" leads me
to think you can take it from here.
Sub MergeFiles()
Dim CurFile As String, CopyRng As Range, _
CopyToRng As Range
ChDir ThisWorkbook.Path
CurFile = Dir("*.xls")
Do While CurFile <> "" and CurFile <>
Workbooks.Open CurFile
Set CopyRng = '<<<<You Define the range to be
'copied from each workbook here. It
'could be complicated to do this if the
'range is not identical in each of the
'source workbooks.
Set CopyToRng = '<<<<You define the range to
'receive the copied data from CurFile
'here. You will have to work out some
'logic to shift this range definition
'between source files so as not to
'overwrite prior data."
CopyRng.Copy Destination:=CopyToRng
Workbooks(CurFile).Close savechanges:=False
CurFile = Dir ' Get next entry.
Set CopyRng = Nothing: Set CopyToRng = Nothing
End Sub
Best Regards,
Walt Weber
>-----Original Message-----
>I have 354 Excel files that are setup the same(col &
rows). How do I loop
>thru all files, extract data and copy to a Master
worksheet? Number of rows
>is not an issue.