Thanks a ton! Worked great to get past the Text Delimited
issue. One last thing:
I get a Compile Error: Syntax Error for the following
srcList1 = Workbooks("Supplant.xls") _
Any clue? The other option was simply pasting those names
into the module, but that seems easier said than done...
>-----Original Message-----
>Sub RAW_AA()
>Dim PathSrc As String, PathDest As String
>Dim srcList As Variant
>Dim i As Long, sDest As String
>Dim bkSrc As Workbook, bkDest As Workbook
>Dim srcList1 as Variant, NumFiles as Long
>PathSrc = "Y:\Sales\Target Customer\2005 Raw\"
>PathDest = "Y:\Sales\Target Customer\2005 Raw - Main\"
>NumFiles = 10
>workbooks.Open "C:\folder1\BookWithList.xls"
>srcList1 = Workbooks("BookWithList.xls") _
> Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Resize
>workbooks("BookWithList.xls").Close SaveChanges:=False
>redim srcList(1 to NumFiles)
>for i = 1 to NumFiles
> srcList(i) = srcList1(i,1)
>'srcList = Array("Raw 1.xls", _
>' "Raw 2.xls", _
>' "Raw 3.xls", _
>' "CO1TR002-02.xls", _
>' "CO1TR019-02.xls", _
>' "CO1TR028-09.xls", _
>' "CO2TR017-02.xls")
>For i = LBound(srcList) To UBound(srcList)
> Set bkSrc = Workbooks.Open(PathSrc & srcList(i))
> sDest = bkSrc.Name
> sDest = Left(sDest, Len(sDest) - 4) & "M.xls"
> Set bkDest = Workbooks.Open(PathDest & sDest)
> bkSrc.Worksheets(1).Rows(1).Resize(50).Copy _
> Destination:=bkDest.Worksheets(1).Range("A1")
> bkSrc.Close SaveChanges:=False
> Application.DisplayAlerts = False
> bkDest.SaveAs bkDest.FullName, xlWorkbook
> bkDest.Close SaveChanges:=False
> Application.DisplayAlerts = True
>End Sub
>Tom Ogilvy
>"KENNY" <> wrote in
>> In the below, I am copying the first number of rows from
>> one file and pasting it into another file that shares a
>> very similar name. It works great with two exceptions:
>> 1. Because it is Tab Delimited, when my code goes to
>> the destination file, it gets a prompt to "save as", so
>> must manually switch "Save as Type" to Excel, click
>> and then it prompts me that the file already exists,
and I
>> must click "OK" to over-write... I'm looking to
>> this piece....
>> 2. In my SrcList = Array, I have all the names of the
>> source files I would like included in a separate
>> spreadsheet, which I tried to paste in, but it doesn't
>> like it. Any suggestions on how to quickly add file
>> in this manner?
>> Thanks in advance for any help!
>> Sub RAW_AA()
>> Dim PathSrc As String, PathDest As String
>> Dim srcList As Variant
>> Dim i As Long, sDest As String
>> Dim bkSrc As Workbook, bkDest As Workbook
>> PathSrc = "Y:\Sales\Target Customer\2005 Raw\"
>> PathDest = "Y:\Sales\Target Customer\2005 Raw - Main\"
>> srcList = Array("Raw 1.xls", _
>> "Raw 2.xls", _
>> "Raw 3.xls", _
>> "CO1TR002-02.xls", _
>> "CO1TR019-02.xls", _
>> "CO1TR028-09.xls", _
>> "CO2TR017-02.xls")
>> For i = LBound(srcList) To UBound(srcList)
>> Set bkSrc = Workbooks.Open(PathSrc & srcList(i))
>> sDest = bkSrc.Name
>> sDest = Left(sDest, Len(sDest) - 4) & "M.xls"
>> Set bkDest = Workbooks.Open(PathDest & sDest)
>> bkSrc.Worksheets(1).Rows(1).Resize(50).Copy _
>> Destination:=bkDest.Worksheets(1).Range("A1")
>> bkSrc.Close SaveChanges:=False
>> bkDest.Close SaveChanges:=True
>> Next
>> End Sub