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Application Run Time Error 1004 and Stack Error

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Guest Application Run Time Error... 02-11-2005, 11:06 AM
Guest Re: Application Run Time... 02-11-2005, 11:06 AM
Guest Re: Application Run Time... 02-11-2005, 12:06 PM
Guest Re: Application Run Time... 02-11-2005, 12:06 PM
Guest Re: Application Run Time... 02-11-2005, 12:06 PM
Guest Re: Application Run Time... 02-11-2005, 12:06 PM
Guest Re: Application Run Time... 02-11-2005, 12:06 PM
Guest Re: Application Run Time... 02-11-2005, 12:06 PM
  1. #1

    Application Run Time Error 1004 and Stack Error

    I posted this a few days back. Have not yet figured out
    how to fix it. Effectively, the routine simply carries
    out queries on a spreadsheet and prints results which are
    hyperlinks to cell addresses. The list of links can be
    quite extensive. In some cases the list goes down to row
    65,536. Each type of query is printed in a particular

    During the routine, my code seems to periodically
    failing. The error is a 1004 Error. However I can't
    figure out why this happening. It happens in row 65,532
    or 64,420 etc. However it just failed in row 1,111. This
    is the line of code it fails on. It fails after the If
    statement on the the Errrng line:

    If RowCheck(Errrng) = False Then

    Errrng.Parent.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Errrng, Address:="", _
    SubAddress:=sStr1, _

    'Increment paste range for next comment
    Set Errrng = Errrng.Offset(1, 0)
    End If

    When going to the immediate window I get:
    ?RowCheck(Errrng) = FALSE




    Can anyone tell me what is happening here?

  2. #2
    Jake Marx

    Re: Application Run Time Error 1004 and Stack Error

    Hi ExcelMonkey,

    When you go into Debug mode on an error, can you execute the Hyperlinks.Add
    from the immediate window?

    Errrng.Parent.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Errrng, Address:="", SubAddress:=sStr1,

    Or do you get a 1004 there?

    If you can do it in the immediate window, then it may be a timing issue. I
    have run into this more times than I'd like - you can step through code just
    fine, but when a routine is running at full speed, it intermittently errors
    out. I've even had code that works perfectly on slow machines that fail on
    faster machines due to timing issues. To see if that could be happening,
    you can try adding a DoEvents right before the offending line of code.


    Jake Marx
    MS MVP - Excel

    [please keep replies in the newsgroup - email address unmonitored]

    ExcelMonkey wrote:
    > I posted this a few days back. Have not yet figured out
    > how to fix it. Effectively, the routine simply carries
    > out queries on a spreadsheet and prints results which are
    > hyperlinks to cell addresses. The list of links can be
    > quite extensive. In some cases the list goes down to row
    > 65,536. Each type of query is printed in a particular
    > column.
    > During the routine, my code seems to periodically
    > failing. The error is a 1004 Error. However I can't
    > figure out why this happening. It happens in row 65,532
    > or 64,420 etc. However it just failed in row 1,111. This
    > is the line of code it fails on. It fails after the If
    > statement on the the Errrng line:
    > If RowCheck(Errrng) = False Then
    > Errrng.Parent.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Errrng, Address:="", _
    > SubAddress:=sStr1, _
    > TextToDisplay:=sStr
    > 'Increment paste range for next comment
    > Set Errrng = Errrng.Offset(1, 0)
    > End If
    > When going to the immediate window I get:
    > ?RowCheck(Errrng) = FALSE
    > True
    > ?Errrng.Address
    > $F$1111
    > ?sStr1
    > 'Financing'!W37
    > ?sStr
    > Financing!W37
    > Can anyone tell me what is happening here?

  3. #3

    Re: Application Run Time Error 1004 and Stack Error

    How do you execute within the immediate window? I tried:

    ? Errrng.Parent.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Errrng,
    Address:="", _
    SubAddress:=sStr1, _

    and recieved a compile error expected expression. Using
    F8 does not work either to step through it after it has

    How exactly would I use the Do Event?


    >-----Original Message-----
    >Hi ExcelMonkey,
    >When you go into Debug mode on an error, can you execute

    the Hyperlinks.Add
    >from the immediate window?
    >Errrng.Parent.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Errrng, Address:="",

    >Or do you get a 1004 there?
    >If you can do it in the immediate window, then it may be

    a timing issue. I
    >have run into this more times than I'd like - you can

    step through code just
    >fine, but when a routine is running at full speed, it

    intermittently errors
    >out. I've even had code that works perfectly on slow

    machines that fail on
    >faster machines due to timing issues. To see if that

    could be happening,
    >you can try adding a DoEvents right before the offending

    line of code.
    >Jake Marx
    >MS MVP - Excel
    >[please keep replies in the newsgroup - email address

    >ExcelMonkey wrote:
    >> I posted this a few days back. Have not yet figured out
    >> how to fix it. Effectively, the routine simply carries
    >> out queries on a spreadsheet and prints results which

    >> hyperlinks to cell addresses. The list of links can be
    >> quite extensive. In some cases the list goes down to

    >> 65,536. Each type of query is printed in a particular
    >> column.
    >> During the routine, my code seems to periodically
    >> failing. The error is a 1004 Error. However I can't
    >> figure out why this happening. It happens in row 65,532
    >> or 64,420 etc. However it just failed in row 1,111.

    >> is the line of code it fails on. It fails after the If
    >> statement on the the Errrng line:
    >> If RowCheck(Errrng) = False Then
    >> Errrng.Parent.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Errrng,

    Address:="", _
    >> SubAddress:=sStr1, _
    >> TextToDisplay:=sStr
    >> 'Increment paste range for next comment
    >> Set Errrng = Errrng.Offset(1, 0)
    >> End If
    >> When going to the immediate window I get:
    >> ?RowCheck(Errrng) = FALSE
    >> True
    >> ?Errrng.Address
    >> $F$1111
    >> ?sStr1
    >> 'Financing'!W37
    >> ?sStr
    >> Financing!W37
    >> Can anyone tell me what is happening here?


  4. #4
    Jake Marx

    Re: Application Run Time Error 1004 and Stack Error


    ExcelMonkey wrote:
    > How do you execute within the immediate window? I tried:
    > ? Errrng.Parent.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Errrng,
    > Address:="", _
    > SubAddress:=sStr1, _
    > TextToDisplay:=sStr

    It needs to be all on one line, and don't use the "?", which is a shortcut
    for "Debug.Print" (you don't need a result in this case, you just want to
    see if the statement executes without error).

    > How exactly would I use the Do Event?

    There is a command called "DoEvents". Just put it on a line by itself
    before your Hyperlinks.Add line of code.


    Jake Marx
    MS MVP - Excel

    [please keep replies in the newsgroup - email address unmonitored]

  5. #5

    Re: Application Run Time Error 1004 and Stack Error

    When I try to run it from the Immediate window I get a Run
    Time Error 424 Object Required.

    >-----Original Message-----
    >ExcelMonkey wrote:
    >> How do you execute within the immediate window? I

    >> ? Errrng.Parent.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Errrng,
    >> Address:="", _
    >> SubAddress:=sStr1, _
    >> TextToDisplay:=sStr

    >It needs to be all on one line, and don't use the "?",

    which is a shortcut
    >for "Debug.Print" (you don't need a result in this case,

    you just want to
    >see if the statement executes without error).
    >> How exactly would I use the Do Event?

    >There is a command called "DoEvents". Just put it on a

    line by itself
    >before your Hyperlinks.Add line of code.
    >Jake Marx
    >MS MVP - Excel
    >[please keep replies in the newsgroup - email address


  6. #6

    Re: Application Run Time Error 1004 and Stack Error

    Can't seem to find DoEvent in the Help database.

    Typing DoEvent by itself creats an error. Is it a Do
    While or Do Until loop that you are talking about?

    >-----Original Message-----
    >ExcelMonkey wrote:
    >> How do you execute within the immediate window? I

    >> ? Errrng.Parent.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Errrng,
    >> Address:="", _
    >> SubAddress:=sStr1, _
    >> TextToDisplay:=sStr

    >It needs to be all on one line, and don't use the "?",

    which is a shortcut
    >for "Debug.Print" (you don't need a result in this case,

    you just want to
    >see if the statement executes without error).
    >> How exactly would I use the Do Event?

    >There is a command called "DoEvents". Just put it on a

    line by itself
    >before your Hyperlinks.Add line of code.
    >Jake Marx
    >MS MVP - Excel
    >[please keep replies in the newsgroup - email address


  7. #7

    Re: Application Run Time Error 1004 and Stack Error

    Sorry I found DoEvents in a book. Will try and get back
    to you.

    >-----Original Message-----
    >ExcelMonkey wrote:
    >> How do you execute within the immediate window? I

    >> ? Errrng.Parent.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Errrng,
    >> Address:="", _
    >> SubAddress:=sStr1, _
    >> TextToDisplay:=sStr

    >It needs to be all on one line, and don't use the "?",

    which is a shortcut
    >for "Debug.Print" (you don't need a result in this case,

    you just want to
    >see if the statement executes without error).
    >> How exactly would I use the Do Event?

    >There is a command called "DoEvents". Just put it on a

    line by itself
    >before your Hyperlinks.Add line of code.
    >Jake Marx
    >MS MVP - Excel
    >[please keep replies in the newsgroup - email address


  8. #8

    Re: Application Run Time Error 1004 and Stack Error

    DoEvents does not work. It failed on the same line of
    code. Its funny because it pastes the item but just can't
    seem to turn it into a hyperlink.

    The routine steps through a loop and does several searches
    based on criteria I set up. I can run 1 to 6 different
    types of searches. When I run the first three it
    populates the results of all three in columns side by
    side. It fails on the third search type. Interesting,
    the second search populates all 65,536 rows. When it
    fails on the third if fails in column 1,111

    However if I run just the third search it works fine. Its
    almost as if amount of hyperlinks associated with the
    second search results affects the third one when run back
    to back.

    do not understand why??????????

    >-----Original Message-----
    >ExcelMonkey wrote:
    >> How do you execute within the immediate window? I

    >> ? Errrng.Parent.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Errrng,
    >> Address:="", _
    >> SubAddress:=sStr1, _
    >> TextToDisplay:=sStr

    >It needs to be all on one line, and don't use the "?",

    which is a shortcut
    >for "Debug.Print" (you don't need a result in this case,

    you just want to
    >see if the statement executes without error).
    >> How exactly would I use the Do Event?

    >There is a command called "DoEvents". Just put it on a

    line by itself
    >before your Hyperlinks.Add line of code.
    >Jake Marx
    >MS MVP - Excel
    >[please keep replies in the newsgroup - email address


  9. #9
    Jake Marx

    Re: Application Run Time Error 1004 and Stack Error


    If the worksheet doesn't contain any sensitive data, I'd be willing to take
    a look if you want to email it to me directly: mvp <-at-> longhead <--dot-->

    If the workbook is large, please zip it up before sending.


    Jake Marx
    MS MVP - Excel

    [please keep replies in the newsgroup - email address unmonitored]

    ExcelMonkey wrote:
    > DoEvents does not work. It failed on the same line of
    > code. Its funny because it pastes the item but just can't
    > seem to turn it into a hyperlink.
    > The routine steps through a loop and does several searches
    > based on criteria I set up. I can run 1 to 6 different
    > types of searches. When I run the first three it
    > populates the results of all three in columns side by
    > side. It fails on the third search type. Interesting,
    > the second search populates all 65,536 rows. When it
    > fails on the third if fails in column 1,111
    > However if I run just the third search it works fine. Its
    > almost as if amount of hyperlinks associated with the
    > second search results affects the third one when run back
    > to back.
    > do not understand why??????????
    >> -----Original Message-----
    >> Hi,
    >> ExcelMonkey wrote:
    >>> How do you execute within the immediate window? I tried:
    >>> ? Errrng.Parent.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Errrng,
    >>> Address:="", _
    >>> SubAddress:=sStr1, _
    >>> TextToDisplay:=sStr

    >> It needs to be all on one line, and don't use the "?", which is a
    >> shortcut for "Debug.Print" (you don't need a result in this case,
    >> you just want to see if the statement executes without error).
    >>> How exactly would I use the Do Event?

    >> There is a command called "DoEvents". Just put it on a line by
    >> itself before your Hyperlinks.Add line of code.
    >> --
    >> Regards,
    >> Jake Marx
    >> MS MVP - Excel
    >> www.longhead.com
    >> [please keep replies in the newsgroup - email address unmonitored]
    >> .

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