Sorry I found DoEvents in a book. Will try and get back
to you.
>-----Original Message-----
>ExcelMonkey wrote:
>> How do you execute within the immediate window? I
>> ? Errrng.Parent.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Errrng,
>> Address:="", _
>> SubAddress:=sStr1, _
>> TextToDisplay:=sStr
>It needs to be all on one line, and don't use the "?",
which is a shortcut
>for "Debug.Print" (you don't need a result in this case,
you just want to
>see if the statement executes without error).
>> How exactly would I use the Do Event?
>There is a command called "DoEvents". Just put it on a
line by itself
>before your Hyperlinks.Add line of code.
>Jake Marx
>MS MVP - Excel
>[please keep replies in the newsgroup - email address