Jezbel from the word vba newsgroup wrote...........
The difference must lie elsewhere. VBA is exactly the same in both
> cases -- literally: it's the same library.
My question remains................
> "Bill Kuunders" <> wrote in message
> news:eAZKmZ8CFHA.3840@tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl...
>> The code below is for an excel routine to find the port number for a
>> network printer.
>> The portnumbers are selected at random when logging on to the network.
>> For us it is normally ne01 ne02 ne03 or ne04
>> Dim OldPname As String
>> Dim TempPname As String
>> OldPname = Application.ActivePrinter
>> For J = 0 To 99
>> On Error Resume Next
>> If J < 10 Then
>> TempPname = "Adobe PDF on Ne0" & J & ":"
>> Application.ActivePrinter = TempPname
>> ElseIf J >= 10 Then
>> TempPname = "Adobe PDF on Ne" & J & ":"
>> Application.ActivePrinter = TempPname
>> End If
>> If Application.ActivePrinter = TempPname Then
>> Exit For
>> End If
>> Next J
>> Application.ActivePrinter = "TempPname"
>> ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).PrintOut , Copies:=1,ActivePrinter: _
>> =TempPname, Collate:=True
>> Application.ActivePrinter = OldPname
>> The code works perfect.
>> My question is..............
>> Why does word not need to go through the loop of allocating numbers until
>> there is a match?
>> In word these two lines return the right printer including the right port
>> TempPname = "Adobe PDF "
>> Application.ActivePrinter = TempPname
>> Do I really have to admit that word is smarter than excel?
>> Regards
>> Bill Kuunders