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Excel Linking to Access

  1. #1

    Excel Linking to Access

    First, let me say - I'm new to Excel / VBA programming. I have developed
    VB.net apps, however the environment in Excel is a little different. OK now
    I don't feel so dumb. I am in the process of converting a MS Access App to a
    SQL Server backend. There is an Excel spreadsheet that I KNOW accesses MS
    Access. There is a macro that does the following -
    Selection.QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False

    How does Excel know what the data source is - it does b/c it says not found
    so it must be in some nook somewhere. Can someone give me a little
    assistance here?? I just want to know what query is being called.

    Also, Part II - this spreadsheet has about 12 worksheets with many columns
    that 'seem to be' mapped to columns from the data source - but I can't see
    where the mapping is taking place. HELP!!

  2. #2
    Jim Thomlinson

    RE: Excel Linking to Access

    Not too sure what all you are looking for but here is a start.

    Data -> Get external Data -> Edit Query


    "MSSQLServerDeveloper" wrote:

    > First, let me say - I'm new to Excel / VBA programming. I have developed
    > VB.net apps, however the environment in Excel is a little different. OK now
    > I don't feel so dumb. I am in the process of converting a MS Access App to a
    > SQL Server backend. There is an Excel spreadsheet that I KNOW accesses MS
    > Access. There is a macro that does the following -
    > Range("A2").Select
    > Selection.QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
    > How does Excel know what the data source is - it does b/c it says not found
    > so it must be in some nook somewhere. Can someone give me a little
    > assistance here?? I just want to know what query is being called.
    > Also, Part II - this spreadsheet has about 12 worksheets with many columns
    > that 'seem to be' mapped to columns from the data source - but I can't see
    > where the mapping is taking place. HELP!!

  3. #3

    RE: Excel Linking to Access

    Didn't help - it give me the same message as when I do a 'refresh data' -
    'blah\blah\blah.mde' is not a valid path. I guess for starters, how does it
    know where to look - ie; 'blah\blah\blah.mde' ??

    "Jim Thomlinson" wrote:

    > Not too sure what all you are looking for but here is a start.
    > Data -> Get external Data -> Edit Query
    > HTH
    > "MSSQLServerDeveloper" wrote:
    > > First, let me say - I'm new to Excel / VBA programming. I have developed
    > > VB.net apps, however the environment in Excel is a little different. OK now
    > > I don't feel so dumb. I am in the process of converting a MS Access App to a
    > > SQL Server backend. There is an Excel spreadsheet that I KNOW accesses MS
    > > Access. There is a macro that does the following -
    > > Range("A2").Select
    > > Selection.QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
    > >
    > > How does Excel know what the data source is - it does b/c it says not found
    > > so it must be in some nook somewhere. Can someone give me a little
    > > assistance here?? I just want to know what query is being called.
    > >
    > > Also, Part II - this spreadsheet has about 12 worksheets with many columns
    > > that 'seem to be' mapped to columns from the data source - but I can't see
    > > where the mapping is taking place. HELP!!

  4. #4

    RE: Excel Linking to Access

    The person who originally set up the xl wbk has evidently set up a query to
    get data from an Access file.

    This is done using Data>Get External Data>New
    and specifying MS Access as the data source. xl stores this information and
    attaches it in the background and is associated with the xl range the
    originator chose as the query table (destination). Usually, you can go to
    Data>Get External Data > Edit Query and get access to the parameters of the
    query. You can also get to MS Query thru this method and Select the SQL
    button to see and edit the SQL code.

    Ah, it just hit me -- you need to place your cursor INSIDE of the xl
    destination range prior to do Data>Get....>Edit. Try this and see if you
    find what you need. Then post back.

    "MSSQLServerDeveloper" wrote:

    > Didn't help - it give me the same message as when I do a 'refresh data' -
    > 'blah\blah\blah.mde' is not a valid path. I guess for starters, how does it
    > know where to look - ie; 'blah\blah\blah.mde' ??
    > "Jim Thomlinson" wrote:
    > > Not too sure what all you are looking for but here is a start.
    > >
    > > Data -> Get external Data -> Edit Query
    > >
    > > HTH
    > >
    > > "MSSQLServerDeveloper" wrote:
    > >
    > > > First, let me say - I'm new to Excel / VBA programming. I have developed
    > > > VB.net apps, however the environment in Excel is a little different. OK now
    > > > I don't feel so dumb. I am in the process of converting a MS Access App to a
    > > > SQL Server backend. There is an Excel spreadsheet that I KNOW accesses MS
    > > > Access. There is a macro that does the following -
    > > > Range("A2").Select
    > > > Selection.QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
    > > >
    > > > How does Excel know what the data source is - it does b/c it says not found
    > > > so it must be in some nook somewhere. Can someone give me a little
    > > > assistance here?? I just want to know what query is being called.
    > > >
    > > > Also, Part II - this spreadsheet has about 12 worksheets with many columns
    > > > that 'seem to be' mapped to columns from the data source - but I can't see
    > > > where the mapping is taking place. HELP!!

  5. #5

    RE: Excel Linking to Access

    If you still can't locate the source file, it may be because it has been moved.

    "MSSQLServerDeveloper" wrote:

    > Didn't help - it give me the same message as when I do a 'refresh data' -
    > 'blah\blah\blah.mde' is not a valid path. I guess for starters, how does it
    > know where to look - ie; 'blah\blah\blah.mde' ??
    > "Jim Thomlinson" wrote:
    > > Not too sure what all you are looking for but here is a start.
    > >
    > > Data -> Get external Data -> Edit Query
    > >
    > > HTH
    > >
    > > "MSSQLServerDeveloper" wrote:
    > >
    > > > First, let me say - I'm new to Excel / VBA programming. I have developed
    > > > VB.net apps, however the environment in Excel is a little different. OK now
    > > > I don't feel so dumb. I am in the process of converting a MS Access App to a
    > > > SQL Server backend. There is an Excel spreadsheet that I KNOW accesses MS
    > > > Access. There is a macro that does the following -
    > > > Range("A2").Select
    > > > Selection.QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
    > > >
    > > > How does Excel know what the data source is - it does b/c it says not found
    > > > so it must be in some nook somewhere. Can someone give me a little
    > > > assistance here?? I just want to know what query is being called.
    > > >
    > > > Also, Part II - this spreadsheet has about 12 worksheets with many columns
    > > > that 'seem to be' mapped to columns from the data source - but I can't see
    > > > where the mapping is taking place. HELP!!

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