I don't think I could get to that statusbar to retrieve the value, but maybe a

Option Explicit
Sub testme()

Dim MyDataObj As DataObject
Dim myVal As Variant

Set MyDataObj = New DataObject

myVal = Application.Sum(Selection)
MyDataObj.SetText myVal

End Sub

You'll want to read Chip Pearson's notes on working with the clipboard:

Because these procedures use the DataObject variable type, you must have a
reference set in your VBA project to the Microsoft Forms 2.0 object library.

If you're new to macros, you may want to read David McRitchie's intro at:

Job wrote:
> Does anyone know how to take the value of the little window on the bottom
> right of excel (ie you highlight a group of numbers and it shows the sum or
> avg or whatever you choose.) and copy it to the clipboard?
> Cheers!


Dave Peterson