Excel Newbie Here

I don’t know anything about VBA and have been trying to read up a little on what I need to do, but this stuff is way over my head, but I am hoping someone might help me.

This is what I have so far and what I am trying to accomplish

Right now I have 2 sheets, one called Main, and one called Inventory, on the Main sheet I have a button to pull up a Form, in that form I can input data in 5 text boxes, 1 called Item #, 1 called Description, 1 called Stock Amount, 1 called Our Cost, and 1 called Retail Price, I finally got the form to send the data to the Inventory sheet =)

Now I wan t to have a second button on the Main sheet to pull up a new form that will have 2 text boxes, 1 that can search for a item by description in the Inventory Sheet and 1 box that will be just a text box to enter amount sold that day, meaning open form find that part by description enter amount sold, then when entered will send that amount sold to either a 3rd sheet with all that part info (Item#, Descr, Stock Amount, Our Cost, Retail Price, + Total Sold) or to the Inventory sheet to the next empty column next to that part listing.

Any help would be great