Would it be an option to have the code in another file and just manually
start running your program on the main file? or keep the code in the file,
but copy the resultant data over to a new file after your data processing
program completes?

"Todd Huttenstine" wrote:

> You can write an if statement at the beginning of your
> code to say something like:
> If ActiveWorkbook.Name <> "YourWorkbookName.xls" Then
> 'Code Here
> Else
> 'Other condition code here
> End If
> You can use = or <>.
> This way when you change the name of the file, the code
> will not run the next time because the workbook name has
> changed. Im not sure if leaving this code in the workbook
> is exactly what you want, but the reults will be to where
> the code will not run.
> Todd
> >-----Original Message-----
> >I have a spreadsheet that runs code when it opens to

> populate the data. I
> >need it to automatically erase the code once complete so

> that when I save the
> >workbook with a new name; the code does not rerun when

> management opens the
> >workbook to view the data.
> >.
> >
