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Can I disallow the user to open a file if he disable the macro while the file is opening?

  1. #1

    Can I disallow the user to open a file if he disable the macro while the file is opening?

    Hi all,

    I don't want to apply any protection on any sheet of the file in
    advance, instead, I wrote a macro to process some jobs and also apply
    some protection in it. If the user open the file and disable the
    embedded macro while the file is opening, he can see anything in the
    file. so,

    How can I disallow the user to open a file if he disable the macro
    while the file is opening?



  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Can I disallow the user to open a file if he disable the macro whilethe file is opening?

    Save your "real" workbook with a password to open (file|saveas|tools dialog).

    Don't share that password.
    The users won't be able to open that workbook without the password.

    Create a helper workbook that opens your real workbook (and supplies the

    If macros are not enabled, then the helper workbook can't open your workbook.

    If macros are enabled for the helper workbook, then they'll be enabled for the
    real workbook.

    Option Explicit
    Sub auto_open()
    Workbooks.Open Filename:="c:\my documents\excel\realwkbk.xls", _
    ThisWorkbook.Close savechanges:=False
    End Sub

    Remember to password protect the helper workbook's project--it'll stop users
    from finding your password for the real workbook.
    Robin wrote:
    > Hi all,
    > I don't want to apply any protection on any sheet of the file in
    > advance, instead, I wrote a macro to process some jobs and also apply
    > some protection in it. If the user open the file and disable the
    > embedded macro while the file is opening, he can see anything in the
    > file. so,
    > How can I disallow the user to open a file if he disable the macro
    > while the file is opening?
    > Thanks,
    > Robin


    Dave Peterson

  3. #3

    Re: Can I disallow the user to open a file if he disable the macro while the file is opening?

    Hi Dave Peterson,

    Good idea, it definitely works, many thanks for your feedback.


  4. #4
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Can I disallow the user to open a file if he disable the macro whilethe file is opening?

    And if you fill up the first sheet in that helper workbook with:

    please open this workbook with macros enabled.
    please open this workbook with macros enabled.
    please open this workbook with macros enabled.
    please open this workbook with macros enabled.
    please open this workbook with macros enabled.

    It'll be even more obvious to the users.

    Robin wrote:
    > Hi Dave Peterson,
    > Good idea, it definitely works, many thanks for your feedback.
    > Robin.


    Dave Peterson

  5. #5
    Harlan Grove

    Re: Can I disallow the user to open a file if he disable the macro while the file is opening?

    Dave Peterson wrote...
    >Save your "real" workbook with a password to open (file|saveas|tools

    >Don't share that password.
    >The users won't be able to open that workbook without the password.


    Unless they happen to have a hex editor or viewer or even the strings
    utility from the GnuWin32 textutils package to find ASCII strings in
    password-protected XLS files.

    If you're going to put a password into a workbook, even another
    workbook, you'd better do so by hardcoding the ASCII codes or using a
    cyphered string.

  6. #6

    Re: Can I disallow the user to open a file if he disable the macro while the file is opening?

    It is still some inconvenient as the user should use two files at the
    same time and I should define the location for the "real" workbook.

    Anyway, it's a good solution and many thanks!

  7. #7

    Re: Can I disallow the user to open a file if he disable the macro while the file is opening?

    Hi Robin,
    > I don't want to apply any protection on any sheet of the file in

    Not able to understand the above properly. But this is what I did when
    I had a similar need. Insert a "Warning" sheet, which is a dummy
    worksheet, in your real workbook. In the workbook_open macro hide the
    warning sheet and unhide your actual sheets.
    In Workbook_close macro hide your actual sheets and unhide the warning
    That way, if a user opens the workbook without enabling macros then
    user will only be able to see warning sheet (which can have some text
    similar to what Dave P has suggested) and if the user opens the
    workbook by enabling macros then they will see all your actual
    worksheets but not the warning sheet.

    You will have to take care of hiding real sheets in workbook_close and
    not workbook_save . And workbook_close should itself first check
    whether workbook has been saved. If yes, then hide the sheets (and
    unhide warning sheet) and then save the workbbok and close the
    workbook. If no, you might give the user a msg box or see how you want
    it to be handled.


  8. #8
    Hari Prasadh

    Re: Can I disallow the user to open a file if he disable the macro while the file is opening?

    Hi Harlan,

    What does hardcoding the ASCII codes or using a cyphered string mean. Can
    you please give me an example.

    Thanks a lot,

    "Harlan Grove" <hrlngrv@aol.com> wrote in message
    > Dave Peterson wrote...
    >>Save your "real" workbook with a password to open (file|saveas|tools

    > dialog).
    >>Don't share that password.
    >>The users won't be able to open that workbook without the password.

    > ...
    > Unless they happen to have a hex editor or viewer or even the strings
    > utility from the GnuWin32 textutils package to find ASCII strings in
    > password-protected XLS files.
    > If you're going to put a password into a workbook, even another
    > workbook, you'd better do so by hardcoding the ASCII codes or using a
    > cyphered string.

  9. #9
    Harlan Grove

    Re: Can I disallow the user to open a file if he disable the macro while the file is opening?

    "Hari Prasadh" <excel_hariNOSPAM@hotSPAREMEmail.com> wrote...

    Hard-coded string:

    Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:\foo\bar.xls", Password:="this is hard-coded"

    Hard-coded ASCII codes:

    p =

    > What does hardcoding the ASCII codes or using a cyphered string mean. Can
    > you please give me an example.
    > Thanks a lot,
    > Hari
    > India
    > "Harlan Grove" <hrlngrv@aol.com> wrote in message
    > news:1107566313.143275.218850@f14g2000cwb.googlegroups.com...
    > > Dave Peterson wrote...
    > >>Save your "real" workbook with a password to open (file|saveas|tools

    > > dialog).
    > >>
    > >>Don't share that password.
    > >>The users won't be able to open that workbook without the password.

    > > ...
    > >
    > > Unless they happen to have a hex editor or viewer or even the strings
    > > utility from the GnuWin32 textutils package to find ASCII strings in
    > > password-protected XLS files.
    > >
    > > If you're going to put a password into a workbook, even another
    > > workbook, you'd better do so by hardcoding the ASCII codes or using a
    > > cyphered string.
    > >


  10. #10
    Harlan Grove

    Re: Can I disallow the user to open a file if he disable the macro while the file is opening?

    Sorry, send the last one too soon.

    Hard-coded string:

    Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:\foo\bar.xls", Password:="this is hard-coded"

    Hard-coded ASCII codes:

    p = Array(116,104,105,115,32,105,115,32,104,97,114, _

    w = ""
    For n = LBound(p) To UBound(p)
    w = w & Chr(p(n))
    Next n

    Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:\foo\bar.xls", Password:=w

    Cyphered string:

    Const FOOBAR As Byte = 67

    p = "7+*0c*0c+""1'n ,'&'"

    For n = 1 To Len(p)
    Mid(p, n, 1) = Chr(CByte(Asc(Mid(p, n, 1))) Xor FOOBAR)
    Next n

    Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:\foo\bar.xls", Password:=p

  11. #11
    Hari Prasadh

    Re: Can I disallow the user to open a file if he disable the macro while the file is opening?

    Hi Harlan,

    Thnx a lot. That is cool stuff.


    "Harlan Grove" <hrlngrv@aol.com> wrote in message
    > Sorry, send the last one too soon.
    > Hard-coded string:
    > Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:\foo\bar.xls", Password:="this is hard-coded"
    > Hard-coded ASCII codes:
    > p = Array(116,104,105,115,32,105,115,32,104,97,114, _
    > 100,45,99,111,100,101,100)
    > w = ""
    > For n = LBound(p) To UBound(p)
    > w = w & Chr(p(n))
    > Next n
    > Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:\foo\bar.xls", Password:=w
    > Cyphered string:
    > Const FOOBAR As Byte = 67
    > p = "7+*0c*0c+""1'n ,'&'"
    > For n = 1 To Len(p)
    > Mid(p, n, 1) = Chr(CByte(Asc(Mid(p, n, 1))) Xor FOOBAR)
    > Next n
    > Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:\foo\bar.xls", Password:=p

  12. #12
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date
    I have discovered a big potential problem with this approach after trying to implement it myself.

    Lets say a user has macros enabled and goes into the workbook. they then make some changes and save the workbook (the book is now saved with all sheets visible). then they make some more changes but this time screwed something up and want to exit the file without saving. If you allow them to exit the file without saving, the file is saved with all of the sheets in full view except for the dummy warning sheet. Then lets say another user comes along who has macros disabled, he gets straight into the file with all sheets visible and macros are still disabled.

    I cant see any way around this other than use the 2 file approach and have one file open the other, then they can do whatever they like to their file. Unfortunately this approach is very messy and very hard to implement reliably, I would much rather have everything contained within the one file but I cant see any way around the problem above. Anyone else have another solution which involves only 1 file?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hari
    Hi Robin,
    > I don't want to apply any protection on any sheet of the file in

    Not able to understand the above properly. But this is what I did when
    I had a similar need. Insert a "Warning" sheet, which is a dummy
    worksheet, in your real workbook. In the workbook_open macro hide the
    warning sheet and unhide your actual sheets.
    In Workbook_close macro hide your actual sheets and unhide the warning
    That way, if a user opens the workbook without enabling macros then
    user will only be able to see warning sheet (which can have some text
    similar to what Dave P has suggested) and if the user opens the
    workbook by enabling macros then they will see all your actual
    worksheets but not the warning sheet.

    You will have to take care of hiding real sheets in workbook_close and
    not workbook_save . And workbook_close should itself first check
    whether workbook has been saved. If yes, then hide the sheets (and
    unhide warning sheet) and then save the workbbok and close the
    workbook. If no, you might give the user a msg box or see how you want
    it to be handled.


  13. #13
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Mumbai, India
    MS-Off Ver
    Excel 2007

    Re: Can I disallow the user to open a file if he disable the macro while the file is

    I know that the following is a very-very old post, but can some one please explain briefly what the following code provided by Harlan earlier actually does, A line by line explanation will be highly appreciated.

    Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Grove View Post
    Sorry, send the last one too soon.

    Hard-coded string:

    Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:\foo\bar.xls", Password:="this is hard-coded"

    Hard-coded ASCII codes:

    p = Array(116,104,105,115,32,105,115,32,104,97,114, _

    w = ""
    For n = LBound(p) To UBound(p)
    w = w & Chr(p(n))
    Next n

    Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:\foo\bar.xls", Password:=w

    Cyphered string:

    Const FOOBAR As Byte = 67

    p = "7+*0c*0c+""1'n ,'&'"

    For n = 1 To Len(p)
    Mid(p, n, 1) = Chr(CByte(Asc(Mid(p, n, 1))) Xor FOOBAR)
    Next n

    Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:\foo\bar.xls", Password:=p
    Learning is enjoyable. Enjoying learning.

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