Save your "real" workbook with a password to open (file|saveas|tools dialog).

Don't share that password.
The users won't be able to open that workbook without the password.

Create a helper workbook that opens your real workbook (and supplies the

If macros are not enabled, then the helper workbook can't open your workbook.

If macros are enabled for the helper workbook, then they'll be enabled for the
real workbook.

Option Explicit
Sub auto_open()
Workbooks.Open Filename:="c:\my documents\excel\realwkbk.xls", _
ThisWorkbook.Close savechanges:=False
End Sub

Remember to password protect the helper workbook's project--it'll stop users
from finding your password for the real workbook.
Robin wrote:
> Hi all,
> I don't want to apply any protection on any sheet of the file in
> advance, instead, I wrote a macro to process some jobs and also apply
> some protection in it. If the user open the file and disable the
> embedded macro while the file is opening, he can see anything in the
> file. so,
> How can I disallow the user to open a file if he disable the macro
> while the file is opening?
> Thanks,
> Robin


Dave Peterson