I have a program that loops thru each rows in a worksheet and have to
highlight some rows based on a condition.
Following is the Algorithm
strMultipleRow = ""
Do While Cells(i, 1) <> ""
If ValidEntry(Cells(i,1).value) = False Then
strMultipleRow = strMultipleRow & i & ":" & i & ","
End If
i = i + 1
strMultipleRow = Left(strMultipleRow, Len(strMultipleRow) - 1)
Everything works fine, I have only less than 42 rows to be selcted
(highlighted). If the number of rows to be selected goes above 43 it
returns an runtime error 404 : Method 'Range' of object Global failed.
I want to find out whether any limitation on the number of rows that
VBA can programatically highlight. What is the workaround ?
Someone suggested to prequalify the selection with "xlSheet". I tried
it and got the same behaviour. Works fine if it has less than 42 but
fails if greater than 43.