I have a vb macro examining cells in some columns for all rows in a worksheet.
I want to left and right align selected cells based on testing.
The code is working fine to test and move values, and I know the
value "trigger" for the L and R alignment.

I don't know how to "translate" the documentation help example below
into the syntax I'm using to address the cells in the program.
The macro will be run for worksheets that have different names,
but have the same row and column "definitions."

Help? Thanks.

Help example:
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A5").HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft

(or right)
My code's "essence":
Do until cells(row, 4)='9999999' 'end marker
row = row + 1
col = "whatever"

If cells(row, col) "condition" then cells(row, col) = new value

now, If different var test then "right align the above cell"

Neal Z