I am trying to update a workbook (2002, 2003 versions) to remove many of the
values from an Access database query. The database is old and contains many
old records, so I am trying to make the workbooks a little faster by not
updating those records. The problem is I can not get all the excludes in
the field before it runs out of characters. Is there a better way to
exclude records? Here is the SQL query:
<>'BLH ~ Blakeney Heath' And <>'BRK ~ Brookmere' And <>'LDP ~ Lake Davidson
Park' And <>'MDW ~ Meadowmont at Highland Creek' And <>'WGR ~ Withers Grove'
And <>'WGV ~ Withers Grove V' And <>'GLB ~ Glyndebourne'
I need to add several more and will be adding as the years progress. I am
working on getting them to "archive" older projects, so we don't have to
exclude so many.
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!