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Edit Add Delete Listbox Records

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  1. #1

    Edit Add Delete Listbox Records

    Im looking for an example of something along this line.

    On my userform1 I have a listbox, an edit button, a new button, and a
    delete button.

    I've gotten a list box to display A1:D8 which has 4 columns.

    But I dont know were to even start as far as the edit button.
    I would like it so that when I select the row in the listbox and press
    edit, a new userform pops up, with 4 textbox displaying the row. Then
    you can edit it, and click 'save changes' and it updates that row in
    the list.

    If anyone could either email me at [email protected] or
    post an example that could help me. I've spent hours seaching for
    something like this but came up with nothing.

    Thanks for the help

  2. #2
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Edit Add Delete Listbox Records

    Why not just use the built-in form, Data>Form..?



    (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

    <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Im looking for an example of something along this line.
    > On my userform1 I have a listbox, an edit button, a new button, and a
    > delete button.
    > I've gotten a list box to display A1:D8 which has 4 columns.
    > But I dont know were to even start as far as the edit button.
    > I would like it so that when I select the row in the listbox and press
    > edit, a new userform pops up, with 4 textbox displaying the row. Then
    > you can edit it, and click 'save changes' and it updates that row in
    > the list.
    > If anyone could either email me at [email protected] or
    > post an example that could help me. I've spent hours seaching for
    > something like this but came up with nothing.
    > Thanks for the help
    > Mike

  3. #3

    Re: Edit Add Delete Listbox Records

    I know i could user the excel data form or the Jwalk dataform but was
    wondering how to do this using vba

  4. #4
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Edit Add Delete Listbox Records

    I put 5 buttons on a userform:


    I also put a listbox (listbox1).

    and 4 textboxes on this form--not a new form.
    textbox1 through textbox4

    This seemed to work ok under light testing.

    Option Explicit
    Dim myInputRange As Range
    Dim myProcessing As String
    Dim blkProc As Boolean
    Private Sub CmdCancel_Click()
    If Me.CmdCancel.Caption = "Cancel Form" Then
    Unload Me
    'cancel edit
    Call UserForm_Initialize
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub CmdDelete_Click()
    If Me.ListBox1.ListIndex > -1 Then
    Call UserForm_Initialize
    If Application.CountA(myInputRange) = 0 Then
    Me.CmdSave.Enabled = False
    Me.CmdCancel.Enabled = True
    Me.CmdNew.Enabled = True
    Me.CmdEdit.Enabled = False
    Me.CmdDelete.Enabled = False
    End If
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdEdit_Click()
    Dim iCtr As Long

    For iCtr = 1 To 4
    Me.Controls("textbox" & iCtr).Enabled = True
    Next iCtr

    Me.CmdCancel.Caption = "Cancel Change"

    Me.ListBox1.Enabled = False
    Me.CmdSave.Enabled = True
    Me.CmdCancel.Enabled = True
    Me.CmdNew.Enabled = False
    Me.CmdEdit.Enabled = False
    Me.CmdDelete.Enabled = False

    If myProcessing = "" Then
    myProcessing = "Edit"
    End If

    End Sub
    Private Sub CmdNew_Click()

    Dim iCtr As Long

    For iCtr = 1 To 4
    Me.Controls("textbox" & iCtr).Value = ""
    Next iCtr

    myProcessing = "New"

    Call cmdEdit_Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub CmdSave_Click()

    Dim iCtr As Long
    Dim DestCell As Range
    With myInputRange
    If myProcessing = "New" Then
    Set DestCell = .Cells(1).Offset(.Rows.Count)
    Set DestCell = .Cells(1).Offset(Me.ListBox1.ListIndex)
    End If
    End With

    blkProc = True
    For iCtr = 1 To Me.ListBox1.ColumnCount
    DestCell.Offset(0, iCtr - 1).Value = Me.Controls("textbox" & iCtr)
    Next iCtr
    blkProc = False
    myProcessing = ""
    Call UserForm_Initialize

    End Sub
    Private Sub ListBox1_Click()
    Dim iCtr As Long
    If blkProc Then Exit Sub
    With Me.ListBox1
    If .ListIndex > -1 Then
    For iCtr = 1 To .ColumnCount
    Me.Controls("textbox" & iCtr).Value _
    = .List(.ListIndex, iCtr - 1)
    Next iCtr
    End If
    End With
    End Sub
    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    Dim iCtr As Long

    Me.ListBox1.ColumnCount = 4
    Me.ListBox1.RowSource = ""
    With Worksheets("sheet1")
    If .Cells(1).Value = "No Entries" Then
    End If
    Set myInputRange = .Range("a1:D" _
    & .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row)
    If Application.CountA(myInputRange) = 0 Then
    myInputRange(1).Value = "No Entries"
    End If
    Me.ListBox1.RowSource = myInputRange.Address(external:=True)
    End With

    For iCtr = 1 To 4
    Me.Controls("textbox" & iCtr).Enabled = False
    Next iCtr

    Me.CmdCancel.Caption = "Cancel Form"
    Me.ListBox1.Enabled = True
    Me.ListBox1.ListIndex = 0 'prime the pump
    Me.CmdSave.Enabled = False
    Me.CmdCancel.Enabled = True
    Me.CmdNew.Enabled = True
    Me.CmdEdit.Enabled = True
    Me.CmdDelete.Enabled = True

    End Sub

    [email protected] wrote:
    > Im looking for an example of something along this line.
    > On my userform1 I have a listbox, an edit button, a new button, and a
    > delete button.
    > I've gotten a list box to display A1:D8 which has 4 columns.
    > But I dont know were to even start as far as the edit button.
    > I would like it so that when I select the row in the listbox and press
    > edit, a new userform pops up, with 4 textbox displaying the row. Then
    > you can edit it, and click 'save changes' and it updates that row in
    > the list.
    > If anyone could either email me at [email protected] or
    > post an example that could help me. I've spent hours seaching for
    > something like this but came up with nothing.
    > Thanks for the help
    > Mike


    Dave Peterson

  5. #5

    Re: Edit Add Delete Listbox Records

    This is exactly what I needed, and is a huge help


  6. #6
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Hi Dave,

    This code is extremely useful, thank you for posting it. But I am having one slight problem with it. When it copies the data back into the sheet the formatting is all wrong and it is confusing when dates are displayed on the form in text format.

    My columns are as follows:

    1 - Text
    2 - Text
    3 - Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
    4 - Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
    5 - Currency ($#,#00.00)
    6 - Currency ($#,#00.00)

    Is there any way i can get this to update in the form and also on the sheet - I have tried stepping through the code, but i can't work out where to put the format changes.


  7. #7
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Edit Add Delete Listbox Records

    The bad news is that when the user types an ambiguous date into a textbox in a
    userform, then when you put it in a cell, excel will do it's best to make it fit
    your windows setting.

    If I put: 01/02/03
    in a textbox and want it to mean "2001 January 03", then I'm gonna have trouble
    when I plop it into excel (with my standard USA settings. I'm gonna get
    "January 02, 2003".

    One way around this is to get the date in an unambiguous way--multiple textboxes
    (Year, month, day), spinners, scrollbars and labels???

    Or maybe using a calendar control.
    Ron de Bruin has some tips/links at:

    And you can format the cell as currency after you populate the cell. If you're
    having trouble with international issues (comma for the decimal symbol???), you
    could convert it before you plop it back into that cell.

    Sami82 wrote:
    > Hi Dave,
    > This code is extremely useful, thank you for posting it. But I am
    > having one slight problem with it. When it copies the data back into
    > the sheet the formatting is all wrong and it is confusing when dates
    > are displayed on the form in text format.
    > My columns are as follows:
    > 1 - Text
    > 2 - Text
    > 3 - Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
    > 4 - Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
    > 5 - Currency ($#,#00.00)
    > 6 - Currency ($#,#00.00)
    > Is there any way i can get this to update in the form and also on the
    > sheet - I have tried stepping through the code, but i can't work out
    > where to put the format changes.
    > --
    > Sami82
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Sami82's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=27111
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=335941


    Dave Peterson

  8. #8
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Hi again,

    I have taken on your suggestion of having 3 drop down boxes for the dates, in the order dd (cboCSDDay) mm(cboCSDMonth ) yyyy(cboCSDYear)

    ClaimStartDate = cboCSDDay & "/" & cboCSDMonth & "/" & cboCSDYear
    MsgBox ClaimStartDate
    Range("A1").Value = ClaimStartDate

    In the message box the date comes out around the right way, but when it is pasted in the sheet it is around the wrong way again? How can i correct this?

    Thank you

  9. #9

    Re: Edit Add Delete Listbox Records

    This is exactly what I needed, and is a huge help


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