I have a VB6/MS Office Excel/Word VBA app configured in Win XP Office 2003.
I am trying to make it compatible with earlier versions of Office-Office 97
on a Win 98 platform at present-and after researching have decided to try
late binding. According to MS documentation, the application should update
its references when opened in the earlier Office 97 version. It has done this
for 6 of 8 references: except for the MS Word reference-it is still looking
for Word 11.0 in the same location as was on the original, newer platform.
Then it is also looking for the MS VBA Extensibility 5.3 file in the location
of the original, newer platform as well.

Does anyone have an idea how I can get my app to point to the correct 2
references per above? Also should the Extensibility reference be to the newer
5.3 version (vbe6ext.olb) which per KB article 269116 is a replacement for
the earlier older type library (which I am guessing is vbeext1.olb as that is
what I find on my Office 97 platform);and if so 1) should I add that to my
installer application. 2) how do I get it to point to the correct location?
Will I need to use code to locate and set the reference to the file?
Thanks, blessings