Does anyone have a function I could use to export multiple worksheets (each
contains around 65000 lines) into 1 CSV file?
I have the following script which does a unique file for each worksheet, but
I'm lousy with VB programming and hopeing someone out there already has a
function or can help me edit this one.
And ideally I want to miss out the first 2 sheets from the export.

Option Explicit
Sub mysaver()
Dim counter As Integer
counter = 1
' counter is for the number of sheets in the workbook
Do While counter <= Worksheets.Count
' Worksheets.Count represents the total number of sheets in the workbook
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
' go to the nominated sheet
' and save it. Simple...
ActiveSheet.SaveAs Filename:=ActiveSheet.Name, FileFormat:=xlCSV
counter = counter + 1
MsgBox "All Sheets Saved.", , "Success"
Exit Sub

MsgBox "Error during save - Caution!", vbCritical, "Save Errors"
Exit Sub
End Sub