
I have a large workbook that I use to analyse data that is put into several
Rather than save the large workbook (which is several MB) I would like to
run a macro to copy and paste the input information into a new Data only
workbook. I will end up with many “data� workbooks but at least these are
less than a hundredth of the size. These Data only files would also permit
other people to update the data even though they do not have access to the
large workbook.
Then when that data is required it can be copied back into the large workbook.

I have the macros to do all the copy and pasting but do not know how to
prompt the user for naming the file in the first place or recalling the
desired file when the data is to be “imported�.

My code at the moment refers - several times throughout its execution - to a
workbook of a particular name; in practice it needs to refer to the
“selected� workbook.

Any ideas? Should I approach this in a different way?

Kind regards
David Hall