I have an excel file that has 2 tabs. The first tab is labeled DATA and has 18,000 lines. The second tab is labeled Requests. I have a task of receiving a request for date change for a particulate part number at a particular location. I add that request to the request tab and then investigate if that date change can happen. If it can happen then I update the request tab with the new date for the part number and location. The pain is trying to find the part number and location in the massive amount of data in the DATA tab. Part numbers can be repeated for different locations. For instance in the attached excel file. Line 2 of the reqest is cookies (C2) to be baked at a bakery (E2) until 3/31/2028 (D2). The reply from the bakery is they can agree to a date that is placed in (F2). Sync: If request tab C2 = data tab B2 and reqeust tab E2=data tab J2 then request tab K2= data tab A2 and reqeust tab F2=data tab K2. Any help is greatly apreicated