Hi, I have column M representing the current of tasks. Example NS. WIP, COMPLETE, HOLD.
The rows already change to green when complete but they take a lot of space up on screen.
I would like a drop down list at top of sheet to choose what is shown and the rest will be hidden.
So The Drop list called Show Tasks would have choice of NS, WIP, COMPLETE, ALL, OPEN, HOLD.
NS shows only status of NS and hides all other.
WIP same for status WIP.
ALL would show (unhide all rows).
OPEN would shown NS, WIP and HOLD.
The sheet will be shared so, if possible I would like this to apply to only the sheet I am viewing and not others may be viewing at same time.
Even though any actual change to data would update instantly on all.
This would be nice but if it has to effect all sheets thats ok.
The icing on the cake would be that everytime a user opened the sheet it would default to a choice they had set as default.
So user A may choose to view all ROWs when opening and user B may choose to have only OPEN rows.
Again nice to have but the original request of dropdown list for hiding rows is the main requirement.