Hi everyone!
I have a little sub like this as part of a larger Macro editing some Word-Templates:
My issue now is, that when I run this Macro, all text in the Word table is underlined with dots (see Screenshot below). However, formatting them with the normal Word underscoring does not change anything, so it is not really an underscore. I can only get them removed by copying the range in again by hand. Frustratingly, sometimes the pasting works just fine, but I have yet to find out, when and when not this is happening. Copying the values in the table after the Macro ran, pasting the values as textonly pastes nothing and pasting them as an Image creates a blank white image. Printing/saving the file as PDF makes the whole table appear empty.
Does anyone know of this issue or have any ideas, what to check for?
I've got it both to work and the issue to show up
- in debug mode and running through by itself
- with and without scrolling to the table so it is visible, when pasting
- using .PasteAndFormat wdPasteDefault instead of .Paste
I am really confused as to what the issue is and what could cause it.
Grateful for any help :)