HI Excel Expert,
I am seeking your help
#1 I have a master_report file, where I keep on appending the selected rows from time to time, not montly but whenever there is a requirement. Now I am facing some issue. I will need excel experts help to help me out with this issues.
I am attaching the master_report file there in Module 1, I have codes to append either the full data by overwriting or to select only few rows and append after the last row. Now until n unless I put the code in sheet 1 it does not work, so how should I modify the codes so that the codes in Module 1 work for sheet 1, also the code in Module 1 works when I type the Month name in ##w2 cell and it find the file in the same folder, here after appeding the file the Month name doesn't disapper, what should I do to make it disapper once the data has been copied or appened.
#2 In module 2 in the same master_report file, I have codes to do saveas the file , but those are not working properly. Basically I want to do a saveas by changing the file extension to csv and saving it in destination folder and save only from Column A to Column U till the last rows(Not the Information Box which I have put in column X) and link the SaveAS codes to ActiveX control(Aslo this Active X should not be save into csv after doing SaveAs).
Data in the tables is only for testing purpose doesnot resemble anything/anyone.