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merge TOTAL row for each sheet based on selected name from combobox on userform

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    merge TOTAL row for each sheet based on selected name from combobox on userform

    in combobox1 will match name with column C across sheets . should merge amount for every TOTAL row for every sheet alone for th same name just PAID word in column E for each sheet alone.
    textbox1= BUYING sheet
    textbox2=SALE sheet
    textbox3=REVERSING sheet
    textbox4=VERTING sheet
    without forgetting number format "#,##0.00"
    and if the name doesn't contain data in other sheet then will be one of textbox should show" - "
    and I would fixing code in combobox1 to populate all of names across sheets without duplicates an empty.
    select CR-1000 from combobox1 and match with column C across sheet and then should merge for each sheet alone .
    also should deal with big data almost 7000 rows for ach sheet.
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    Last edited by KalilMe; 05-19-2024 at 07:20 AM.

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