You could do something like:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
' this event fires when something changes in the worksheet
' keep the workbook filename in memory
Static modelWorkborkFileName As String
Dim sourceDataPath As String
sourceDataPath = "F:\Temp\" ' this is the path to find the Excel files to use as source data
Select Case Target.Address
Case "$B$1" ' this code will run if the cell B1 changed - MODEL
' build the complete path to the source data file
modelWorkborkFileName = sourceDataPath & Target.Value & ".xlsx"
Case "$B$2"
' call the procedure that opens and interacts with the source data workbook
ActiveSheet.Range("C2").Value = OpenSourceDataWB(modelWorkborkFileName, UCase(Target.Value))
End Select
End Sub
Private Function OpenSourceDataWB(workbookFileName As String, whatValueToRetrieve As String) As Variant
' open the source data workbook file
Dim fso As FileSystemObject
Set fso = New FileSystemObject
' check to see if the workbook is where it is expected to be
If Not fso.FileExists(workbookFileName) Then
MsgBox "The workbook '" & workbookFileName & "' could not be found", vbCritical, "Missing File"
Set fso = Nothing
OpenSourceDataWB = ""
Exit Function
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' don't display the opened workbook
Dim sourceDataWB As Workbook
Dim sourceDataWS As Worksheet
Dim readCellValue As Variant
Set sourceDataWB = Workbooks.Open(workbookFileName)
Set sourceDataWS = sourceDataWB.Sheets("Sheet1") ' which sheet will be used in the workbook
' this is an example of reading data from a specific cells in the source workbook
' depending on an indicator passed to this function
Select Case whatValueToRetrieve
Case "KMC"
readCellValue = sourceDataWS.Range("B2").Value
Case "ABC"
readCellValue = sourceDataWS.Range("C2").Value
End Select
Set sourceDataWS = Nothing
Set sourceDataWB = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True ' turn displaying on again
OpenSourceDataWB = readCellValue
End Function
2- when I write kmc B2 it should be updated in a given cell in the right workbook that has same Model name.
This isn't clear on if the Contracts workbook is updated or the Model workbook is updated
The example will show you one way to react to a cell's change and open a workbook.
Good luck with your project, hopefully, you can use this to figure out the rest.