Hello all,

I will try to explain clearly my problem here.
I have a sheet where there is a pivot table and in an other place of that same sheet there is a table with data for each calendar week.
From this table with data for each calendar week I want to generate a chart.

In the code here under, I first create a chart object and then I want to set the range of my table with data for each calendar week and NOT data from pivot table.

I realized that a pivot chart (with pivot table data) is created instead of a standard chart. I don't get it how I can avoid it
Moreover I have an error and can't get rid of it.

Set oChartObj = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(Top:=20, Left:=500, Width:=650, Height:=320)

Set rng = Range(Range(Worksheets("Config").Cells(j, ConfTLTableKW)), Cells(lRowT, lColumnT))
oChartObj.Chart.SetSourceData Source:=rng <-------------------------------------------------------ERROR automation error - unspecified error.

Any help will be appreciate.
Thanks for your support!