I have a workbook for tracking training progress, the issue I am having is:
Formula in column C checks the date, importantly the month, on sheet CVB, Formula for April; =IF(MONTH(CVB!$B$3)=4,CVB!$E$10,C1)
then, gets the value from sheet CVB E10,
if the date check does not show "April (4)" then keep the value it has already.
The formula works great but, the percentage difference formula in column D does not as it seems if the date on sheet CVB is not "April (4)" then it's value is 0. Even though it is still showing the proper 98.60%
So only the the corresponding month from sheet CVB actually has a "value" for it's cell in the Progress sheet.
As shown in column F with a basic =(cell reference) which leaves the monthly percentage difference at 0% if report date on sheet CVB is not that month.
I need the cell to hold it's value so column D can properly calculate the percentage difference.
Any help is greatly appreciated!