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SumByColour displays #VALUE!

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    SumByColour displays #VALUE!


    I was wondering if anyone could help please. I have a spreadsheet and I am trying to sum by colour based on the colour of the cells that is defined by conditional formatting. I am not even close to being an expert so have cobbled some VBA code together by research on google.

    I am so close when I look at the result in the insert function it gives me the number I am after but when displayed in the spreadsheet I am getting #VALUE! see images, all values are formatted as a number with no spaces etc.

    The VBA code used is as follows. Please help it is driving me crazy!!!! Thanks in advance

    Function SumByColor(SumRange As Range, SumColor As Range)
    Dim SumColorValue As Integer
    Dim TotalSum As Long
    SumColorValue = SumColor.DisplayFormat.Interior.ColorIndex
    Set rCell = SumRange
    For Each rCell In SumRange
    If rCell.DisplayFormat.Interior.ColorIndex = SumColorValue Then
    TotalSum = TotalSum + rCell.Value
    End If
    Next rCell
    SumByColor = TotalSum
    End Function
    Last edited by AliGW; 12-06-2023 at 04:36 AM. Reason: Code tags added - please review the forum guidelines.

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