Hi all,

The following is an extract of VBA code I have which reads and stores a cell value, and then the variable SiteNo takes the first 5 characters. These two variables are then written into Master_Sheet:
SiteName = Sheets("Project Details").Cells(14, 6).Value
SiteNo = Left(SiteName, 5)

Master_Sheet.Cells(Data_Row, 1).Value = SiteName
Master_Sheet.Cells(Data_Row, 2).Value = SiteNo
This works fine, but I'd like the SiteNo value entered into Master_Sheet to have the digits "4500" before it.
So, say SiteNo was 10949, I'd like the value in Master_Sheet to be 450010949.

This must be very straight forward but I'm having no luck with either of the following:
SiteNo = "4500" & Left(SiteName, 5)

Master_Sheet.Cells(Data_Row, 2).Value = "4500" & SiteNo
Any help would be great, thanks!