I have a sourcedata wb (SourceData FY24) and a destination wb (Destination FY24). Within Destination FY24, there is a name range ("B3" currently listed as Jamie Flamingo) which lists criteria to filter. I am wanting to:
1. Open both SourceData FY24 and Destination FY24 wbs.
2. Unprotect Mission Control ws of Destination FY24 wb. Code is "1234"
2. Change calculation to manual for Destination FY24 wb.
3. Clear data from cells "AF2 to BW10" in Mission Control ws of Destination FY24 wb. Code must be dynamic since table size can change.
4. Copy only rows from SourceData FY24 that matches value in "B3" of Destination FY24.
5. Paste copied data into Destination FY24 starting in cell "AF2".
6. Change calculation back to automatic for Destination FY24 wb.
2. Protect Mission Control ws of Destination FY24 wb.
7. Save Destination FY24 wb.
8. Close both wbs
My current code does not work fully and need feedback:
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