Hi to Everyone,
I am looking for a solution to a specific problem,
I want to create an excel workbook named as "DATABASE" , this workbook should be linked somehow with another excel named as "ENTRY DATA" .
In this excel there will be some specific cells in which i can entry data, lets say A1:A5 for example. These values will automatically stored in the "DATABASE" workbook in the A1:A5 cells.
Every time i want update the values in the A1:A5 cells in the "ENTRY DATA" wokbook, the current values should be stored in the B1:B5 cells in the "DATABASE" workbook for the first update,
in the C1:C5 cells in the "DATABASE" workbook for the second update,in the D1:D5 cells in the "DATABASE" workbook for the third update etc.
In this way i will keep the "ENTRY DATA" workbook with the latest updates and the rest of the values will be stored to the "DATABASE", minimazing copy-pased manual tasks and preventing loss of data.
Do you have any idea how this can be achieved with a Macro or an other way?
Thank you in advance for your assistance.