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Error 1004 "Document not saved" when Closing File WITHOUT CHANGES??

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  1. #1
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    Error 1004 "Document not saved" when Closing File WITHOUT CHANGES??

    A client of mine encountered this runtime error 1004 "Document not saved" today (while running a macro that opens, copies data from, and then closes [WITHOUT changes]) a series of files from a selected folder.
    I am clueless as to how a Workbook.Close command (with SaveChanges set to FALSE!) can possibly cause this error. Any ideas?

    Error 1004 Image.png

    Error 1004 Debug Image.png

  2. #2
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    Arrow Re: Error 1004 "Document not saved" when Closing File WITHOUT CHANGES??

    Following the code in step-by-step mode, check the variable …

  3. #3
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    Re: Error 1004 "Document not saved" when Closing File WITHOUT CHANGES??

    Quote Originally Posted by Marc L View Post

    Following the code in step-by-step mode, check the variable …
    Check what variable? OpenedFile? That is set to the workbook that was opened (and the macro is now trying to close).
    Regardless, why would we get a "Document not saved" error when the VBA code is NOT attempting to save anything??

  4. #4
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    Re: Error 1004 "Document not saved" when Closing File WITHOUT CHANGES??

    I should note that the macro typically runs without issue. This was a seemingly "random" (unusual) error, but I'd still like to understand what might have triggered it.

  5. #5
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    Re: Error 1004 "Document not saved" when Closing File WITHOUT CHANGES??

    Yes, Mark is referring to the OpenedFile variable. You should carefully check whether the expected workbook is assigned to the variable. It is also puzzling that the message appears when Excel's own error handling is enabled (it is only two lines down that you disable handling). But it is also possible that it has already been turned off before the line
    WriterRow = WriterRow + 1
    It may be that this is a "temporary indisposition" of Excel and in a while everything will return to normal. You can also, just to be sure, add one line of code, which seems unnecessary, but it won't hurt either
    OpenedFile.Saved = True
    OpenedFile.Close False
    Several times I have encountered strange errors generated by Excel, especially when our task is to process data in a loop.


  6. #6
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    Re: Error 1004 "Document not saved" when Closing File WITHOUT CHANGES??

    Thanks, Artik. Maybe it was just a fluke of some sort. But I'm still wondering why Excel would throw a "document not saved" error, when there is nothing in the code telling it to save the file!

  7. #7
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    Re: Error 1004 "Document not saved" when Closing File WITHOUT CHANGES??

    Therefore, if an error occurs, you should check what the OpenedFile variable contains. And only with this knowledge can you try to make conjectures.

    In my opinion, you should write this piece of code so that when the line
    OpenedFile.Close False
    is executed, its own error handling works. This could be simply ignoring errors
    On Error Resume Next
    Then the file will probably be closed without saving and without an error message. These are just my guesses, this should be investigated in depth.


  8. #8
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    Re: Error 1004 "Document not saved" when Closing File WITHOUT CHANGES??

    Well, this is not a crucial issue. I'm just curious about what could have caused it.
    The value of OpenedFile should not be an issue. The code runs a loop that opens each file (setting OpenedFile=ActiveWorkbook immediately after the open event), and then closes it (via the code in question) before opening the next file.

  9. #9
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    Re: Error 1004 "Document not saved" when Closing File WITHOUT CHANGES??

    Quote Originally Posted by Merf View Post
    The value of OpenedFile should not be an issue. The code runs a loop that opens each file (setting OpenedFile=ActiveWorkbook immediately after the open event), and then closes it (via the code in question) before opening the next file.
    I'm concerned that the line:
    Set OpenedFile = ActiveWorkbook
    may be incorrectly assigning the workbook to a variable, especially when it happens in a loop (These are rare cases when Excel gets lost).
    I would more recommend a slightly different reference.
    Set OpenedFile = Application.Workbooks.Open(Filename:="Full/path/to/file")
    Here a reference will be made to the workbook being opened, not the active one.
    Seemingly the same thing, but may be more explicit and safer.

    Last edited by Artik; 07-11-2023 at 06:41 PM.

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