Populate amounts for separated range based on matching headers across sheets for partial
in summary sheet there is multiple ranges contains headers are red font color should match these partial items with others sheets are existed in column B and should sum amount the for the whole column whether in the same sheet or across sheet for DEBIT or CREDIT columns after fill ranges then should subrtact separated range from adjacent separated range in column I:L for instance :
will subtract 178800-6540=172260 as in I3
so should take next two separated ranges and subtract from each other . notice: there partial item is repeated for more than one sheet ,then should merge across sheets.
the result in last sheet but suppose in summary sheet.
Re: Populate amounts for separated range based on matching headers across sheets for part
does the code deal with new items when add in any sheet and add the new item in header for new separated range?
I no know what's my bad !
I did with new item in column F where there is separated range as the others , but doesn't bring any thing !
Re: Populate amounts for separated range based on matching headers across sheets for part
The code should pick it up .. The loop is going sheet "summary" columns C:F and text in "Red" and for the other range (2nd part of the code) should get the NET in row 2 starting from H2
If that doesn't work, please post another sample workbook to investigate the issue.
So weird to overcomplicate with such bad Summary worksheet layout and
to not use directly worksheet formulas rather than VBA
Anyway according to your attachment an Excel basics VBA demonstration for starters :
PHP Code:
Sub Demo1()
Dim R&, C%, T(1, 0), S&
R = 2
With Worksheets("summary")
While Not IsEmpty(.Cells(R, 3))
For C = 3 To 6 Step 3
T(1, 0) = 0
For S = 1 To .Index - 1
T(1, 0) = T(1, 0) + Worksheets(S).Evaluate(Replace("SUMIF(B:B,""#*"",C:C)-SUMIF(B:B,""#*"",D:D)", "#", .Cells(R, C)))
T(0, 0) = Array("DEBIT", "CREDIT")(-(T(1, 0) <= 0))
T(1, 0) = Abs(T(1, 0))
.Cells(R + 1, C).Resize(2) = T
R = R + 6
End With
End Sub
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No as I were stating about H3:L3
As any Excel user does not need any VBA code but just formulas for the worksheet summary !
But for lazy just with an UDF like :
PHP Code:
Function GetSum@(ByVal K$)
For S& = 1 To Application.ThisCell.Parent.Index - 1
GetSum = GetSum + Worksheets(S).Evaluate(Replace("SUMIF(B:B,""#*"",D:D)-SUMIF(B:B,""#*"",C:C)", "#", K))
End Function
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Re: Populate amounts for separated range based on matching headers across sheets for part
No, just an example according to Excel rules as when using formulas it is not necessary to launch manually any VBA procedure
when any source data changes like with your over complicated way
Re: Populate amounts for separated range based on matching headers across sheets for part
Hi Marc ,
I'm still interesting for your code , but I think you don't understand totally my request in H:L
my way should subtract directly without show target columns for subtraction as your way and if I use function , then I have to select individual range manually . so why in this case vba is useless?
my way in subtraction should be between C,F for each two consecutive range