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Mapping strings in cell to value, and then keeping certain rows based on certain criterias

  1. #1
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    Mapping strings in cell to value, and then keeping certain rows based on certain criterias


    photo_2023-05-31 21.07.38.jpeg

    I have this excel file. The tenors in row C goes from O/N (overnight), 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year. I wish to give a value to the tenors such that it goes in ascending order based on its duration, but remain the abbreviations in the Column C.

    After doing that, I want to delete rows by keeping only the highest Tenor, while remaining the relevant Entity, Bank Name and Pillar (AB_CD or Placement).

    With reference to the screenshot I've attached above, after running the vba code, my first 3 rows should look like this:
    A2: China, B2: Bank of America, C2: 1Y, D2: AB_CD, E2: SGD, F2: 118000000, G2: 0, H2: 118000000
    A3: China, B3: Bank of America, C3: 1Y, D3: Placement, E3: SGD, F3: 118000000, G3: 0, H3: 118000000
    A4: London, B4: Bank of China, C4: 1Y, D4: AB_CD, E4: SGD, F4: 118000000, G4: 0, H4: 118000000

    I don't really know how to start the code, I would really appreciate some help on this!
    Last edited by webcam723; 05-31-2023 at 09:30 AM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Mapping strings in cell to value, and then keeping certain rows based on certain crite

    Need vba?



    Copy down and sort by this column in ascending order.

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    Re: Mapping strings in cell to value, and then keeping certain rows based on certain crite

    I would prefer if I could run everything via VBA, would you have any insights as to do that?

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    Re: Mapping strings in cell to value, and then keeping certain rows based on certain crite

    Running this code crashes my excel, how can i get by that?

    Update: I deleted the second last line of the code and it doesnt crash anymore.
    Last edited by webcam723; 05-31-2023 at 10:23 AM.

  6. #6
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    Re: Mapping strings in cell to value, and then keeping certain rows based on certain crite

    Also, I don't wish to change the order of the rows. Can you edit the code to fulfill this criteria?

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    Re: Mapping strings in cell to value, and then keeping certain rows based on certain crite

    It is working here without problem.

    Waht do you mean by
    Quote Originally Posted by webcam723 View Post
    Also, I don't wish to change the order of the rows. Can you edit the code to fulfill this criteria?

    Upload a workbook with before/after.

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    Re: Mapping strings in cell to value, and then keeping certain rows based on certain crite

    I will try to fix it on my side. Thanks for your help on this!

    By any chance, do you understand how to go about doing the second part of my problem?

  9. #9
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    Re: Mapping strings in cell to value, and then keeping certain rows based on certain crite

    I don't even understand what you are asking.

  10. #10
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    Re: Mapping strings in cell to value, and then keeping certain rows based on certain crite

    Let me simplify my question.

    Attachment 831311

    With reference to the screenshot, Column A has repeating unique names (A,B,C), and each has different tenors (to which I assign a number in Column C, 1 to 5, 1 being the shortest duration O/N and 5 being the longest duration 1Y). Each row also has a unique number in Column D.

    The goal is to keep one row of each unique name that has the highest tenor. (The supposed output is shown in the screenshot too).

    This should be easier to understand.

  11. #11
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    Re: Mapping strings in cell to value, and then keeping certain rows based on certain crite

    Picture you posted is invalid, so no use.

    Upload a workbook, not a picture.

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    Re: Mapping strings in cell to value, and then keeping certain rows based on certain crite


    I attached the workbook, let me know if you cannot download it. Refer to sheet 2 for the example im referring to below.

    Column A has repeating unique names (A,B,C), and each has different tenors (to which I assign a number in Column C, 1 to 5, 1 being the shortest duration O/N and 5 being the longest duration 1Y). Each row also has a unique number in Column D.

    The goal is to keep one row of each unique name that has the highest tenor, the supposed result is given in the workbook as well.

    My goal is to run it just via VBA code.

    Sorry im new to this platform!

  13. #13
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    Re: Mapping strings in cell to value, and then keeping certain rows based on certain crite

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    Based on your "sorted" input data

    Sheet2 is your input: copy to Sheet1 and "RUN"
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  14. #14
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    Re: Mapping strings in cell to value, and then keeping certain rows based on certain crite

    Still not clear
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    Last edited by jindon; 05-31-2023 at 11:32 AM. Reason: typo

  15. #15
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    Re: Mapping strings in cell to value, and then keeping certain rows based on certain crite

    That was amazing! I really appreciate the help!

    Can I get some help with a few adjustments to the end result?

    1. The same Bank Names will be top and bottom of each other, with AB_CD on top and Placement below. (Refer to Sheet "After Running Code" Range K2:R6, Bank of America followed by UBS.)
    2. Then add the total up for Limit, Exposure and Remainder for each bank in each entity. (in Millions, so the value needs to be /1000000)
    3. As for the Pillar Column, if the Bank has both the AB_CD and Placement Pillars, the cell below it will reflect "AB_CD & Placement".
    Similarly if it only has AB_CD or only has Placement, then it will show that only.

    Test 2.xlsm

    Please use the Test 2 workbook to work on the above!
    Last edited by webcam723; 05-31-2023 at 12:00 PM.

  16. #16
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    Re: Mapping strings in cell to value, and then keeping certain rows based on certain crite

    crossposted: https://www.mrexcel.com/board/thread...erias.1238254/

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  17. #17
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    Re: Mapping strings in cell to value, and then keeping certain rows based on certain crite

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    Final output in 2After running code" columns T to AA
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  18. #18
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    Can you breakdown and explain the top part of the code?

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