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Can someone please help me speed up my macro?

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Question Can someone please help me speed up my macro?


    I was hoping someone could help with any obvious ways to speed up the below macro?

    Essentially, it is an overarching For-Next loop with multiple arrays, looping through arrays and a couple of dictionaries.

    I often need to run it for over 100 cycles with 3,000 - 4,000 rows of data. Unfortunately this can take hours, even days to complete.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Sub RefineArray()
    Dim FactorString As String
    Dim FactorVal As Variant
    Dim CashFactorVal As Variant
    Dim IndustryString As String
    Dim FactorCol As String
    Dim ValuationCol As String
    Dim ValuationColNum As Integer
    Dim ValuationColLet As String
    Dim ValuationRow As Integer
    Dim FactorColNum As Integer
    Dim FactorColLet As String
    Dim LastValueColNum As Integer
    Dim LastDataCol As String
    Dim LastValueCol As String
    Dim FinalValueRow As Integer
    Dim FirstCompFactor As String
    Dim SecondCompFactor As String
    Dim PrevFirstCompFactor As String
    Dim FirstCompFactorSign As String
    Dim PrevCompFactorSign As String
    Dim RefinedReturn As Variant
    Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = Application.ThisWorkbook
    Dim wbR As Workbook: Set wbR = Workbooks("Refiner.xlsb")
    Dim RefLastColNum As Integer
    Dim RefLastCol As String
    Dim RefFinalRow As Integer
    'Define Refiner Last Column and LastRow
    RefLastColNum = wbR.Sheets("Data").Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
    RefLastCol = Split(Cells(1, RefLastColNum).Address, "$")(1)
    RefFinalRow = wbR.Worksheets("Data").Range("CE" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    '-----Array Variables
    Dim ValuationArray() As Variant
    Dim ValuationTableArray() As Variant
    Dim FactorDataArray() As Variant
    Dim FactorValueArray() As Variant
    Dim FactorValueSumArray() As Variant
    Dim ArrayCount As Long
    'Valuation Array Variables
    Dim Val As Variant
    Dim ValForm As Variant
    Dim ValString As String
    Dim CompVal As Variant
    Dim ValDiff As Variant
    Dim ValMin As Variant
    Dim RemRet As Variant
    Dim RefPercent As Variant
    Dim FactorMatchColNum As Integer
    Dim FactorMatchCol As String
    Dim FactorName As String
    Dim MultiplierVal As Variant
    Dim FormulaVal As Variant
    Dim Valuation As Variant
    Dim TotAgg As Variant
    Dim TotRefRet As Variant
    Dim FactorSum As Variant
    Dim FactorWSum As Variant
    Dim FactorAWSum As Variant
    Dim FactorComp As String
    Dim FactorABSVal As Variant
    Dim ValuationFormulas As Object
    Set ValuationFormulas = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Dim ValuationTable As Object
    Set ValuationTable = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Dim ValTable As Object
    Set ValTable = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Application.Calculation = xlManual
    IndustryString = wb.Sheets("Data").Range("C4").Value
    FinalValueRow = wb.Sheets("Valuation Table").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    '<<<<Define Valuation Table Array>>>>>
    ArrayCount = 0
    For FactorMatchColNum = 21 To 79
    FactorMatchCol = Split(Cells(1, FactorMatchColNum).Address, "$")(1)
    'Define Factor Columns
    ValColNum = WorksheetFunction.Match(Sheets("Data").Range(FactorMatchCol & "2").Value, wb.Sheets("Valuation Table").Range("A1:BI1"), 0)
    ValCol = Split(Cells(1, ValColNum).Address, "$")(1)
    'Populate Array
    For Count = 3 To FinalValueRow
    ReDim Preserve ValuationTableArray(2, ArrayCount)
    If wb.Sheets("Valuation Table").Range(ValCol & Count).Value <> "" Then
    ValuationTableArray(0, ArrayCount) = wb.Sheets("Valuation Table").Range(ValCol & "1").Value
    ValuationTableArray(1, ArrayCount) = wb.Sheets("Valuation Table").Range(ValCol & Count).Value
    ValuationTableArray(2, ArrayCount) = wb.Sheets("Valuation Table").Range("B" & Count).Value
    ArrayCount = ArrayCount + 1
    End If
    '<<<Define Factor Data Array>>>
    ArrayCount = 0
    For FactorMatchColNum = 21 To 79
    If FactorMatchColNum <> 27 Then
    FactorMatchCol = Split(Cells(1, FactorMatchColNum).Address, "$")(1)
    'Define Factor Columns
    FactorColNum = WorksheetFunction.Match(Sheets("Data").Range(FactorMatchCol & "2").Value, wb.Sheets("Data").Range("CB2:" & RefLastCol & "2"), 0) + 79
    FactorValCol = Split(Cells(1, FactorColNum).Address, "$")(1)
    FactorName = wb.Sheets("Data").Range(FactorValCol & "2").Value
    For Count = 4 To RefFinalRow Step 1
    FactorVal = wb.Sheets("Data").Range(FactorValCol & Count).Value
    'Populate Array
    If Evaluate("Mod(" & Count & ",3)") <> 0 Then
    ReDim Preserve FactorDataArray(2, ArrayCount)
    FactorDataArray(0, ArrayCount) = FactorName
    FactorDataArray(1, ArrayCount) = FactorVal
    FactorDataArray(2, ArrayCount) = Count
    ArrayCount = ArrayCount + 1
    End If
    End If
    Application.StatusBar = "Loading..."
    'Start Loop cycle
    For InnerCount = 1 To 5
    'Create Valuation formula Dictionary
    For ThisCount = 4 To RefFinalRow
    If Evaluate("Mod(" & ThisCount & ",3)") <> 0 Then
    ValFormCount = 1
    'Search first formula Factor and define the Factor name and Factor Column
    For FactorMatchColNum = 21 To 79
    FactorMatchCol = Split(Cells(1, FactorMatchColNum).Address, "$")(1)
    FactorName = wb.Sheets("Data").Range(FactorMatchCol & "2").Value
    'Define Industry
    IndustryString = wb.Sheets("Data").Range("C" & ThisCount).Value
    'Locate Multiplier Value in Valuation Table Array
    For i = LBound(ValuationTableArray, 2) To UBound(ValuationTableArray, 2)
    If ValuationTableArray(0, i) = FactorName And ValuationTableArray(2, i) = IndustryString Then
    MultiplierVal = ValuationTableArray(1, i)
    End If
    If MultiplierVal = 0 Then
    FormulaVal = 1
    'Locate Factor Value in Factor Data Array
    For i = LBound(FactorDataArray, 2) To UBound(FactorDataArray, 2)
    If FactorDataArray(0, i) = FactorName And FactorDataArray(2, i) = ThisCount Then
    FactorVal = FactorDataArray(1, i)
    FormulaVal = Application.WorksheetFunction.Power(FactorVal, MultiplierVal)
    Exit For
    End If
    End If
    ValuationFormulas(ValFormCount) = FormulaVal
    'MsgBox ValuationFormulas(ValFormCount)
    ValFormCount = ValFormCount + 1
    Valuation1 = ValuationFormulas(1) * ValuationFormulas(2) * ValuationFormulas(3) * ValuationFormulas(4) * ValuationFormulas(5) * ValuationFormulas(6) * ValuationFormulas(7) * ValuationFormulas(8) * ValuationFormulas(9) * ValuationFormulas(10) * ValuationFormulas(11) * ValuationFormulas(12) * ValuationFormulas(13) * ValuationFormulas(14) * ValuationFormulas(15) * ValuationFormulas(16) * ValuationFormulas(17) * ValuationFormulas(18) * ValuationFormulas(19) * ValuationFormulas(20) * ValuationFormulas(21) * ValuationFormulas(22) * ValuationFormulas(23) * ValuationFormulas(24) * ValuationFormulas(25) * ValuationFormulas(26) * ValuationFormulas(27) * ValuationFormulas(28) * ValuationFormulas(29) * ValuationFormulas(30) * ValuationFormulas(31) * ValuationFormulas(32) * ValuationFormulas(33) * ValuationFormulas(34) * ValuationFormulas(35) * ValuationFormulas(36) * ValuationFormulas(37) * ValuationFormulas(38) * ValuationFormulas(39) * ValuationFormulas(40) * ValuationFormulas(41) * ValuationFormulas(42)
    Valuation2 = ValuationFormulas(43) * ValuationFormulas(44) * ValuationFormulas(45) * ValuationFormulas(46) * ValuationFormulas(47) * ValuationFormulas(48) * ValuationFormulas(49) * ValuationFormulas(50) * ValuationFormulas(51) * ValuationFormulas(52) * ValuationFormulas(53) * ValuationFormulas(54) * ValuationFormulas(55) * ValuationFormulas(56) * ValuationFormulas(57) * ValuationFormulas(58)
    Valuation = (Valuation1 * Valuation2) / 0.001
    ValuationTable(ThisCount) = Valuation
    'MsgBox ValuationTable(ThisCount)
    End If
    'Create Valuation Difference, Aggregate, Minimum and Refined return Array
    ArrayCount = 0
    For ThatCount = 4 To RefFinalRow + 1 Step 3
    'Define Valuation Columns
    ValDiff = (ValuationTable(ThatCount + 1) - ValuationTable(ThatCount)) / ValuationTable(ThatCount)
    ValMin = wb.Sheets("Data").Range("K" & ThatCount).Value
    AggVal = wb.Sheets("Data").Range("M" & ThatCount).Value
    RefRet = Evaluate("IFERROR(IF(" & ValDiff & "<0," & AggVal & ",IF(" & ValDiff & "<" & ValMin & ",((" & ValMin & "-" & ValDiff & ")/" & ValMin & ")*" & AggVal & ",0))," & Chr(34) & "-" & Chr(34) & ")")
    'Populate Array
    ReDim Preserve ValuationArray(4, ArrayCount)
    ValuationArray(0, ArrayCount) = ValDiff
    ValuationArray(1, ArrayCount) = ValMin
    ValuationArray(2, ArrayCount) = AggVal
    ValuationArray(3, ArrayCount) = RefRet
    ValuationArray(4, ArrayCount) = ThatCount
    ArrayCount = ArrayCount + 1
    'Calculate Sum of Aggregate Return
    With Application.WorksheetFunction
       TotAggSum = .Sum(.Index(ValuationArray, 3, 0))
    End With
    'Calculate Sum of refined Return
    With Application.WorksheetFunction
       TotRefRet = .Sum(.Index(ValuationArray, 4, 0))
    End With
    '-------------------<<<<Define Factor Value Arrays>>>>>------------
    ArrayCount = 0
    For FactorMatchColNum = 21 To 79
    If FactorMatchColNum <> 27 Then
    FactorMatchCol = Split(Cells(1, FactorMatchColNum).Address, "$")(1)
    'Define Factor Columns
    FactorColNum = WorksheetFunction.Match(Sheets("Data").Range(FactorMatchCol & "2").Value, wb.Sheets("Data").Range("CB2:" & RefLastCol & "2"), 0) + 79
    FactorValCol = Split(Cells(1, FactorColNum).Address, "$")(1)
    FactorValWCol = Split(Cells(1, FactorColNum + 1).Address, "$")(1)
    FactorValAWCol = Split(Cells(1, FactorColNum + 2).Address, "$")(1)
    FactorName = wb.Sheets("Data").Range(FactorValCol & "2").Value
    For AnotherCount = 6 To RefFinalRow + 1 Step 3
    FactorValDiff = wb.Sheets("Data").Range(FactorValCol & AnotherCount).Value
    FactorValWDiff = wb.Sheets("Data").Range(FactorValWCol & AnotherCount).Value
    'Search for matching Refined Return multiplier in valuation array
    For i = LBound(ValuationArray, 2) To UBound(ValuationArray, 2)
    If ValuationArray(4, i) = AnotherCount - 2 Then
    RemRet = (1 - (WorksheetFunction.RoundUp(ValuationArray(3, i), 0) / WorksheetFunction.RoundUp(ValuationArray(2, i), 0)))
    Exit For
    End If
    If RemRet <> 0 Then
    FactorValAWDiff = FactorValWDiff * RemRet
    Else: FactorValAWDiff = 0
    End If
    'Populate Array
    ReDim Preserve FactorValueArray(4, ArrayCount)
    FactorValueArray(0, ArrayCount) = FactorName
    FactorValueArray(1, ArrayCount) = FactorValDiff
    FactorValueArray(2, ArrayCount) = FactorValWDiff
    FactorValueArray(3, ArrayCount) = FactorValAWDiff
    FactorValueArray(4, ArrayCount) = AnotherCount
    ArrayCount = ArrayCount + 1
    End If
    '-----<<<Define Factor Value Sum Array>>>>>--------
    ArrayCount = 0
    For FactorMatchColNum = 21 To 79
    If FactorMatchColNum <> 27 Then
    FactorMatchCol = Split(Cells(1, FactorMatchColNum).Address, "$")(1)
    'Define Factor Columns
    FactorColNum = WorksheetFunction.Match(Sheets("Data").Range(FactorMatchCol & "2").Value, wb.Sheets("Data").Range("CB2:" & RefLastCol & "2"), 0) + 79
    FactorValCol = Split(Cells(1, FactorColNum).Address, "$")(1)
    FactorValWCol = Split(Cells(1, FactorColNum + 1).Address, "$")(1)
    FactorValAWCol = Split(Cells(1, FactorColNum + 2).Address, "$")(1)
    FactorName = wb.Sheets("Data").Range(FactorValCol & "2").Value
    FactorSum = 0
    FactorWSum = 0
    FactorAWSum = 0
    For i = LBound(FactorValueArray, 2) To UBound(FactorValueArray, 2)
    If FactorValueArray(0, i) = FactorName Then
    FactorSum = FactorSum + FactorValueArray(1, i)
    FactorWSum = FactorWSum + FactorValueArray(2, i)
    FactorAWSum = FactorAWSum + FactorValueArray(3, i)
    End If
    FactorComp = "N"
    If FactorWSum > 0 And FactorAWSum > 0 Then
    FactorComp = "Y"
    End If
    If FactorWSum < 0 And FactorAWSum < 0 Then
    FactorComp = "Y"
    End If
    FactorABSVal = Abs(FactorAWSum)
    FactorSignVal = 1
    If FactorAWSum < 0 Then
    FactorSignVal = -1
    End If
    'Populate Factor Value Sum Array
    ReDim Preserve FactorValueSumArray(6, ArrayCount)
    FactorValueSumArray(0, ArrayCount) = FactorName
    FactorValueSumArray(1, ArrayCount) = FactorSum
    FactorValueSumArray(2, ArrayCount) = FactorWSum
    FactorValueSumArray(3, ArrayCount) = FactorAWSum
    FactorValueSumArray(4, ArrayCount) = FactorABSVal
    FactorValueSumArray(5, ArrayCount) = FactorComp
    FactorValueSumArray(6, ArrayCount) = FactorSignVal
    ArrayCount = ArrayCount + 1
    End If
    'With Application.WorksheetFunction
       'DSum = .SumProduct(.Index(FactorValueArray, 1, 0), .Index(FactorValueArray, 1, 0) = FactorName)
    'End With
    'TotRefRet = DSum
    'CompVal = WorksheetFunction.Large(FactorValueSumArray(4, 0), 1)
    'CompVal = WorksheetFunction.Large(FactorValueSumArray(4, 0), 1)
    'Find First Comp Factor
    ValCheck = 0
    FactorCheck = "-"
    SignCheck = 1
    FactorVal = 0
    'PrevFirstCompFactor = FirstCompFactor
    For i = LBound(FactorValueSumArray, 2) To UBound(FactorValueSumArray, 2)
    If FactorValueSumArray(4, i) > ValCheck And FactorValueSumArray(5, i) = "Y" Then
    ValCheck = FactorValueSumArray(4, i)
    FactorCheck = FactorValueSumArray(0, i)
    SignCheck = FactorValueSumArray(6, i)
    FactorVal = FactorValueSumArray(3, i)
    End If
    CompVal = FactorVal
    FirstCompFactor = FactorCheck
    FirstCompFactorSign = SignCheck
    'Find Second Comp Factor
    ValCheck = 0
    FactorCheck = "-"
    SignCheck = 1
    FactorVal = 0
    For i = LBound(FactorValueSumArray, 2) To UBound(FactorValueSumArray, 2)
    If FactorValueSumArray(4, i) > ValCheck And FactorValueSumArray(4, i) < CompVal And FactorValueSumArray(5, i) = "Y" Then
    ValCheck = FactorValueSumArray(4, i)
    FactorCheck = FactorValueSumArray(0, i)
    SignCheck = FactorValueSumArray(6, i)
    FactorVal = FactorValueSumArray(3, i)
    End If
    CompVal2 = FactorVal
    SecondCompFactor = FactorCheck
    SecondCompFactorSign = SignCheck
    If FirstCompFactor = "-" Then
    Exit For
    End If
    If FirstCompFactor = PrevFirstCompFactor Then
    If PrevFirstCompFactorSign <> FirstCompFactorSign Then
    If SecondCompFactor <> "-" Then
    FirstCompFactor = SecondCompFactor
    Else: Exit For
    End If
    FirstCompFactorSign = SecondCompFactorSign
    End If
    End If
    PrevFirstCompFactor = FirstCompFactor
    PrevFirstCompFactorSign = FirstCompFactorSign
    'Update Factor Value in Valuation Table Array
    For i = LBound(ValuationTableArray, 2) To UBound(ValuationTableArray, 2)
    If ValuationTableArray(0, i) = FirstCompFactor And ValuationTableArray(2, i) = IndustryString Then
    If FirstCompFactorSign > 0 Then
    ValuationTableArray(1, i) = ValuationTableArray(1, i) - 0.5
    ValuationTableArray(1, i) = ValuationTableArray(1, i) + 0.5
    End If
    End If
    Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
    End Sub

  2. #2
    Forum Expert
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    Microsoft Excel for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2402 Build 16.0.17328.20068) 64-bit

    Re: Can someone please help me speed up my macro?

    Please attach a sample file: instructions in yellow banner at top of the page.
    If that takes care of your original question, please select Thread Tools from the menu link above and mark this thread as SOLVED.

  3. #3
    Forum Expert
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    Re: Can someone please help me speed up my macro?

    I advise you to check often what is more profitable. Whether using a spreadsheet function or a typical VBA solution. Although it is generally said that spreadsheet functions are fast, this is not always the case. Proof below.
    There are still a few things to optimize in the code, but I think MOD is your main problem.
    Sub AAA()
        Dim i As Long, j As Long
        Dim Tm1 As Single, Tm2 As Single, Tm3 As Single
        Tm1 = Timer
        For i = 1 To 50
            For j = 1 To 3000
                If Evaluate("Mod(" & j & ",3)") <> 0 Then
                End If
            Next j
        Next i
        Tm2 = Timer
        For i = 1 To 50
            For j = 1 To 3000
                If j Mod 3 <> 0 Then
                End If
            Next j
        Next i
        Tm3 = Timer
        Debug.Print String(30, "-")
        Debug.Print "First loop: " & Format(Tm2 - Tm1, "0.0000")
        Debug.Print "Second loop: " & Format(Tm3 - Tm2, "0.0000")
        Debug.Print "I.e. " & Round((Tm2 - Tm1) / (Tm3 - Tm2), 0) & " times faster!"
    End Sub

  4. #4
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    Excel 2007, Excel 365

    Re: Can someone please help me speed up my macro?

    There are a few things that can be done to speed up the code, but as @JohnTopley suggested, a sample workbook would be recommended for testing on.

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