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break page for each range based on ending of month

  1. #1
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    break page for each range based on ending of month


    I search for macro to create break page for each range based on ending of month into first sheet . so the range is from column A: H . the column A is date DD\MM\YYYY .

    so when end the date for each month for each range like 28 or 30 or 31 , then should break page after number of ending for that month for each range separately from the beginning to end and move to next range and create break page based on number of ending for that month so on .
    currently this macro doesn't do what I want it .
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  2. #2
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    Re: break page for each range based on ending of month

    The code works for me: but change orientation to Landscape.
    If that takes care of your original question, please select Thread Tools from the menu link above and mark this thread as SOLVED.

  3. #3
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    Re: break page for each range based on ending of month

    but change orientation to Landscape.
    thank, but why now works when change as in your proposition and even if I return to orientation ?

  4. #4
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    Cool Hello, try this ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Alaa-A View Post
    so when end the date for each month for each range like 28 or 30 or 31[…]
    According to your attachment as this is not the appropriate way to go so try this starter Excel basics VBA demonstration :

    PHP Code: 
    Sub Demo1()
    Dim Rf As Range
        With ActiveSheet
    Set Rf = .Find("DATE", [A1], xlValues1)
    Not Rf Is Nothing Then
    Parent.HPageBreaks.Add Rf
                       Set Rf 
    = .FindNext(Rf)
    Loop Until Rf.Row 1
                       Set Rf 
    End With
    End Sub 
    ► Do you like it ? ► So thanks to click on bottom left star icon « Add Reputation » !
    Last edited by Marc L; 03-27-2023 at 07:26 AM.

  5. #5
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    Re: break page for each range based on ending of month

    thanks Marc for the code works as I want it .

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