I am working on a Hotel booking program. When my cell that displays the date is moved forward or backward with buttons, the rooms cell should change colour according to a match in the sheet "Database". In the Sheet "database" there is a table with in column A the room number and in the 1st row the date. So when I display a date I need that the room number colour change if in intersection of the date(row) and the Room number(column) of the Database sheet the cell is "-" = green or if the cell = "customer name" red and if cell ="Locked" yellow.
I am sorry but I don't know how to explain it better. Hope the images will illustrate my request.
Capture d??cran 2023-03-26 ? 08.01.39.png
Capture d??cran 2023-03-26 ? 08.02.21.png
Thank you for your help