dareksg, I've arranged for you to rotate the image on each computer (at least I hope so) using a different method than copying the chart. But keep in mind that the rotation occurs only in the UserForm, into the sheet the image is inserted in its original form.
Consider whether the clicked image needs to be opened in an external program. Since you're storing images in the workbook, maybe zooming the image can also happen in the workbook. When you open an image in an external program, especially small images can be distorted because that program can zoom in to fill the entire screen (or at least a large part of it). Then the original pixels are enlarged, which ends up blurring the image. And you are unlikely to be able to control the scale of this zooming.
If you choose to enlarge the image in the sheet, then you can control the magnification size yourself. For example, you click on the image and it zooms in 2 or 3 times (depending on what magnification scale you choose). Another click on that image (enlarged) should return it to a small size.
Attention. The code is adapted to the 32-bit version of MS Office. For the 64-bit version, the winAPI function declarations must be adjusted accordingly.