Please check the file attached, and have a look at the worksheet "GENERAL".
There is a button called "OFFRE" which is linked to :
1) the below subroutine in the worksheet "GENERAL" to define the preconditions of the button's execution
'Define the top-right button for Offre
Sub BoutonOffre_Click()
Sheets("GENERAL").Range("E1").Value = "Offre"
Sheets("OFFRE DE PRIX").Range("A6").Select
End Sub
2) the below module to show or hide certain tabs depending on the value defined in the above routine.
Sub ShowHideTabsOffre(ByVal Target As Range)
'Show or hide tabs depending on the document type
If Target.Address = "$E$1" Then
Select Case Target.Value
Case "Offre"
Worksheets("OFFRE DE PRIX").Visible = xlSheetVisible
Worksheets("GENERAL").Visible = xlSheetHidden
Worksheets("CAHIER DES CHARGES").Visible = xlSheetVisible
Worksheets("CONDITIONS GENERALES").Visible = xlSheetVisible
End Select
End If
End Sub
However, when I click on the button, there is a "400" error without any additional message or warning. I can't figure what is the issue.
(If needed, password: 9583)
Can someone help me please? Thanks