Greetings and Happy New Year to all!

I want to scrape some sites and I have most of the data being pulled in, but not all that I am looking to get.
I am trying to stay with QueryTables as it is MUCH faster, but, I am not seeing how (if possible) to get HEADER data. I am mainly looking for the meta tags.

If not with querytables, is it possible with other tools with out loading the page?
If, no, what is the fastest tool to use?

I have tried Selinium, but I seem to have a botched install that I have not been able to correct and it seems that on the two computes I use, it needs differnt flavors (even though both use chrome). This was several years ago and I got so fed up, I stopped, so I do not remember the install differnce, but seemed to me it was a differnt library. On this computer it is Selinium Type Library.
